Palliative Care
St. Joseph’s Palliative Care Program provides pain management and relief of symptoms to those experiencing life-threatening, progressive or terminal illness.
Palliative care focuses on physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual needs while remaining sensitive to the uniqueness of each individual.
Palliative care helps make a difficult life passage both manageable and meaningful. The focus of palliative care is neither to hasten nor postpone death, but rather to make the last stages of life comfortable and peaceful for patients and caregivers. Quality of life, family wellness, community involvement and personal dignity are all part of the palliative care team’s compassionate and progressive vision.
Grief and bereavement support are part of this caring process for individuals and their loved ones.
The Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultation Program Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultation Program (PPSMCP) of Southwestern Ontario, St. Joseph’s Health Care London, provides multi-disciplinary hospice palliative care education and consultation services to health care providers across the continuum of care.
This Program is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care through Ontario Health. The primary purpose of the PPSMCP is to build the capacity of service providers to provide quality hospice palliative care.