Areas of Care

Showing 1 - 10 of 93 results

Acquired Brain Injury: Inpatient Unit

Our goal: To provide opportunities for individuals to regain and maintain an optimal level of physical, cognitive, behavioural and psychosocial independence, based on patient and family focused rehabilitation goals. Who do we serve? Individuals over the age of 16 with an acquired brain injury who...

Aging Brain and Memory Clinic

St. Joseph’s Aging Brain and Memory Clinic provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment for people with memory issues. We also care for people with cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment refers to a decline or change in the brains ability to function. There are several different stages of...

Allergy and Immunology Program

Contact and Directions St. Joseph's Allergy and Immunology Program offers comprehensive allergy services aimed at improving the quality of life of people with allergies through assessment, diagnosis, treatment, research and teaching. Many people with untreated allergic symptoms aren't aware of how...

Amputee Rehabilitation Program

The amputee program has eight inpatient beds at Parkwood Institute. Our program cares for patients who have had a limb amputation and are ready to be fit with an artificial limb (prosthesis). We are a regional program and primarily serve patients from Southwestern Ontario. We provide rehabilitation...

Breast Care Program

Breast Care Program at St. Joseph’s Health Care London Our program offers comprehensive breast imaging, diagnostic, and surgery services, provided by an interdisciplinary team of care, including surgeons, radiologists, medical radiation technologists, nurse navigators, advanced practice nurses...

Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Program

The Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Program is a six-month program requiring a physician referral. Men and women with known heart disease - for example those who have had a heart attack, angina, angioplasty or heart surgery - work with our multidisciplinary team to create and follow...

Cardiovascular Investigation Unit

The Cardiovascular Investigation Unit (CVIU) at St. Joseph’s Hospital provides non-invasive diagnostic cardiac testing, such as echocardiograms, holter monitoring, electrocardiograms (ECGs) and exercise stress testing. The CVIU is supported by a team of echo cardiographers, cardiologists, registered...

Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism

St. Joseph’s Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism is the primary regional centre for diabetes and endocrine disease management in Southwestern Ontario. The centre brings together comprehensive diabetes education, leading-edge care and research, and an expert team of care providers and...