
conferring with caregiver

Caring for the Caregiver

Family caregivers are often the invisible frontline workers in our health care system and act as vital members of the health care team. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many family caregivers were faced with significant challenges as supports within the community dwindled due visitor restrictions in...
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A moment in time

Precious life moments continue for residents and families thanks to generous donations to the St. Joseph’s Health Crisis Fund. The COVID-19 crisis has changed the way we interact and connect with each other on a daily basis – but not all of life’s precious moments have been lost or put on hold...
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Care and compassion bridges distance and space

Since the pandemic began, John Hodgkinson has been taking part in group education sessions with others living with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). But not to worry – John is the only person in the room. All are tuning in by phone. Not only does the 70-year old see no downside to this...
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The beat goes on

Therapeutic recreation team keeps the music flowing for residents at Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care There is nothing like the experience of hearing live music, but for residents at Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care (Mount Hope) watching one of their favourite live performers via Skype –...
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Virtual patient care – the COVID-19 silver lining

In today’s digital society, it should be common place to talk to your doctor or attend a clinic appointment from the safety and comfort of home. Yet in health care, virtual technology has been virtually lacking. Until now. Across St. Joseph’s Health Care London, teams are rapidly and creatively...
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St. Joseph's goes blue in support of health care workers

Recognizing every health care worker in our community– and beyond – St. Joseph’s Health Care London sites are bathed in blue every night during the pandemic. From labs to nursing homes, to hospitals, family physician offices and more, St. Joseph’s wants health care workers to feel appreciated and...
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Luminaries among us

A dynamic duo of compassionate housekeepers whom patients can’t wait to see every day. A physiotherapist who excels in the most challenging situations and motivates patients and staff alike. A registered nurse with a “fierce dedication” to her team. And an occupational therapist whose grace, respect...
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Hand-decorated for the holidays

In what’s now become an annual, seasonal tradition, a group from CMHA has put together gift items for each patient within Parkwood Institute’s various mental health care programs who will be spending time in hospital over the holidays. Pictured from left: Afsaneh Azari, CMHA; Cynthia Graystone, CMHA...
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