
Wendi Heal gesturing toward her throat while she sings during therapy to restore her voice

Surviving COVID-19 – the recovery reality

Wendi Heal had heard the horror stories about those who ended up on a ventilator with COVID-19. And here was the lead COVID-19 physician at her bedside explaining her deteriorating condition and just that grim possibility. “I remember asking him what my chances were for recovery once on a ventilator...
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Female scientist adding sample to test tube

Your donations unleashed the possibilities of medical science

Not always visible to patients and visitors are the specialized labs and research centres that exist across the many sites of St. Joseph’s, and the dedicated medical scientists who work in them. Hospital-based medical research has always been central to the care mission of St. Joseph’s. In fact...
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Lori paddling in a kayak

Your donations advanced mental health care

The right kind of treatment Two years ago, Lori Linton felt she was running out of options. Struggling with a series of heartbreaking family and health challenges, her burdens were crippling — mentally and emotionally. Lori was prescribed various medications for her mental health, but little changed...
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Elderly man and woman are seated beside each other and are are kissing with their faces away from the camera

Together again

After more than three decades as husband and wife, Adam and Suzanne Jessburger were separated due to illness. Almost a year ago, during the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, both were hospitalized at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). Now the lovebirds are grateful to be together at St...
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portraits of Janet Donais and Cheryl Kaufman, winners of the 2021 Sisters of St. Joseph Awards

Flourishing in the face of adversity

In a year like no other, at a time when so much is being asked, the 2021 Sisters of St. Joseph Awards for Excellence presented by St. Joseph’s Health Care London take on extra special meaning. Throughout the extraordinary challenges of the past 12 months, the legacy of the founding Sisters of St...
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woman drinking coffee in front of a store

Concussion patient advocate shares her experience to help others

A few years ago, Jill Wright's life was turned upside down in an instant. She had a lot on her mind, juggling a busy work schedule, shuttling her daughters to after school practices and preparing for the grand opening of her family's espresso bar. It was during one particularly hectic evening that...
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four people hold up a large cheque

Concussion recovery app launches with donor support

Small beginnings, big ideas and proactive creativity. Long before the advent of the smart phone, these were the principles that led Frank Cowan to success in the early 20th century insurance business. A century later, the Cowan Foundation has continued that legacy through their support of...
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Medical resident Rochelle Johnstone wearing stethoscope, mask and surgical scrubs

Celebrating our medical residents

Each February, Resident Awareness Week is celebrated across Canada in appreciation for the role of medical residents in the delivery of care. This year’s recognition week takes place Feb. 8-12. The week serves as an opportunity to raise awareness of just who medical residents are and acknowledge the...
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