
researchers talking about inclusivity

Leading the conversation on equity, diversity and inclusivity

EXCHANGE: A London Health Research Day forum on diversity and inclusivity promotes conversations around the challenges associated with equity, diversity and inclusivity and potential solutions for the future. The city of London, Ontario is home to a vibrant health research community. On Wednesday...
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St. Joseph's Volunteers Cy and Nathalie

Finding friendship and connection through volunteering

For Cyril (Cy) Hartland and Nathalie Ross, volunteering at St. Joseph’s Health Care London is a lifestyle. Between the two of them, they spend five—sometimes six—days a week at one of the organization’s facilities. Every day looks a bit different, with Cy and Nathalie filling various volunteer roles...
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Man gets eye checkup at Ivey Eye Institute

Protecting our most precious gift – our ability to see

Delicate and intricately complex, it’s essential for vision. It’s also a common culprit in the loss of that gift. The retina contains millions of cells that work together to detect light and communicate with the brain. But aging and various health conditions can lead to retina complications that can...
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Jessica Kocur sitting on the rocky ground in a mountainous region of Argentina

From care journey to Care Partner

Trekking through the jungles of South America was a dream come true for Jessica Kocur. She was in her late 20’s when she decided to take the trip of a lifetime with now husband Chris. They hiked up and down mountains, climbed up to 4900 metre above sea level in the Andes and then down into the...
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a large collection of donated food in holiday-themed boxes, next to an image of driver Rolly Willey unloading the donations from a minivan

A mission of kindness

As the saying goes, we are all in the same storm during this pandemic, but we aren't all in the same boat. Staff, physicians and volunteers at St. Joseph's have come together in kindness to support vulnerable people in our community this holiday season. St. Joseph’s partnered with Morrison Food...
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 A masked woman in glasses, dress pants and a blouse reclines on a hospital bed with one arm outstretched as she gives blood and the other giving a thumbs up

St. Joseph's completes Ontario blood drive with a top-two finish

Staff, physicians, volunteers, family and friends rallied in support of this year’s Canadian Blood Services (CBS) hospital donor challenge – earning St. Joseph’s an impressive second place finish among 10 participating Ontario hospitals. With 70 donations from Aug.1 to Oct. 11, St. Joseph’s was a...
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Jenna and Bonnie Haynes standing in a hallway at Parkwood Institute, holding bags of linens

Helping patients in their quest to live fully

Jenna’s eyes light up as she walks through the halls of Parkwood Institute Main Building helping other patients get where they need to go. Since being admitted to hospital in April 2021, the Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) inpatient team caring for Jenna noticed her increasing frustration with not being...
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Laurel Lamarre and Chris Boyd wearing masks standing in front of the Family Education Resource Centre at Parkwood Institute

Supporting families through education

Understanding how to support a loved one with a severe and persistent mental illness can be challenging and at times, even isolating. That is why, more than 15 years ago, the Mental Health Family Education Course was introduced at St. Joseph’s Health Care London, in support of patients and their...
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