Urgent Care Centre

Temporary entrance construction notice

Please note: In late March, construction will temporarily close the entrance to the Urgent Care Centre (Entrance 2) at St. Joseph’s Hospital. All patients, visitors and staff will be re-routed into the building via the main Grosvenor entrance (Entrance 1).

The work will occur over two weekends, with entrance closure periods from Friday, Mar. 21 at 6 pm to Monday, Mar. 24 at 6 am, and from Friday, Mar. 28 at 6 pm to Monday, Mar. 31 at 6 am. Urgent Care will maintain regular operating hours. 

Urgent Care Centre currently CLOSED  (March 24)

The Urgent Care Centre (UCC) is experiencing extremely high volumes requiring us to stop accepting patients for today to ensure those already registered and waiting receive care.  

The UCC will reopen tomorrow morning at 8 am.

We regret this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding as we ensure safe patient care. 

Urgent Care Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am - 6pm. Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 8 am - 4 pm.

Please be aware that our hours are subject to change. In the event that we are experiencing extremely high volumes, this may require us to stop accepting patients prior to scheduled closing time. In that circumstance, a notice is posted to our public website.

How to find or contact us

Our Urgent Care team members are a highly-qualified group of professionals, including emergency physicians, registered nurses, registered practical nurses and clinical reception assistants.

Together, we provide a coordinated team approach that meets individual and family needs.

Urgent Care Centre Services

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Personal information is collected under the authority of the Public Hospitals Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.40 for the purpose of contacting the sender in response to an inquiry. If you have questions about the collection of this information, please contact a Privacy and Freedom of Information Consultant, Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care, 21 Grosvenor Street, Room WB31, London Ontario, N6A 1Y6. Phone: 519-646-6100 ext. 64545.

  • Innovation Matters Here.

    We strive for the best care through knowledge. 

    Dr. Viraj Mehta