Urgent Care Centre - What To Expect

Frequently asked questions

What is Urgent Care?

Urgent Care offers one-stop patient services for those who have a non-life-threatening illness or injury and need immediate treatment.

What types of illnesses or injuries are treated in the Urgent Care Centre?

Examples of the types of illnesses and injuries that will be cared for include fever, earaches, eye injuries, cuts, sprains, broken bones or any injury that cannot wait for a family physician.

Does the Urgent Care Centre care for children?

Yes, the Urgent Care Centre provides care for patients of all ages.

Does the Urgent Care Centre treat mental health care issues?


Those who come to the Urgent Care Centre in a mental health crisis are transferred to the emergency department at London Health Sciences Centre.

If not in crisis, they are referred to community resources.

Where is Urgent Care located?

The entrance to the Urgent Care Centre is Entrance 2, on Grosvenor Street, at St. Joseph's Hospital.

Where do I go when I need emergency care?

Emergency departments are located at London Health Sciences Centre's University Hospital at 339 Windermere Road (on the campus of Western University), and Victoria Hospital at the corner of Commissioners and Wellington roads.

What should I do if I think I am having a medical emergency?

If you are ever unsure, go to the nearest emergency department or call 911.

How is the Urgent Care Centre different from a walk-in clinic?

The Urgent Care Centre is open 365 days and year and has on-site access to medical imaging and laboratory services.

The Urgent Care Centre is available for urgent treatment and referral to St. Joseph's specialty services, such as the Roth Mcfarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre, the Ivey Eye Institute and the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre.

Is the Urgent Care Centre prepared if an emergency arises?


Patients with life-threatening illnesses and injuries are stabilized and transported to an emergency department.

In what order are patients treated?

All patients coming to the Urgent Care Centre are assessed on arrival by a registered nurse and triaged for care accordingly.

If I call an ambulance will they know where to take me?


Emergency services know where to direct you in an emergency.

Can I call an ambulance to take me to the Urgent Care Centre?


If you require an ambulance, you will be taken to an emergency department.

Do ambulances still come to St. Joseph's Hospital?

Ambulances only go to the Urgent Care Centre if a patient needs to be transported to an emergency department or by special arrangement or appointment to a surgical specialty at St. Joseph's Hospital.

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