Rheumatology Centre - Services

Rheumatology Clinic

The Rheumatology Clinic is a referral centre for individuals from across Southwestern Ontario who have rheumatic diseases. The goal of treatment for many chronic rheumatic diseases is to reduce inflammation, control symptoms, prevent organ damage, and ultimately allow our patients to live active and satisfying lives. We want to work with you in this endeavor.

The Rheumatology Clinic team provides care for people with autoimmune and inflammatory conditions that commonly affect the body’s musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, tendons). Rheumatic diseases are also well known to affect other body systems including major organs, skin, nerves and blood vessels. Some of these conditions include: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other seronegative arthritis, reactive arthritis, gout, scleroderma, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, other connective tissue diseases, polymyalgia rheumatica, giant cell arteritis, polymyositis, and various types of vasculitis.

Pain Management Group

Are you struggling to manage your pain? Would you like to improve your quality of life? This treatment group includes:

  • coping strategies to reduce symptoms of pain, stress, frustration and depression.
  • strategies to avoid triggers and increase participation at work, home and in social activities without increasing your pain
  • learning how to accept circumstances that cannot be changed and finding ways to rebuild a meaningful life
  • A health care assessment where our team will work with you to develop your treatment plan.

*This group meets weekly for 10 weeks. Please note that due to high demand, there may be a waitlist. You will be scheduled at the earliest possible time.

Depression Treatment Group

Living with chronic pain can be emotionally draining and the risk of depression is high, which can worsen pain and affect your coping efforts. This treatment group teaches new coping skills to boost your mood and help you to enjoy life again.

*This group meets weekly for 10 weeks. Please note that due to high demand, there may be a waitlist. You will be scheduled at the earliest possible time.

Pain Management Workshops

Many things can affect your pain and the effectiveness of treatments. These one-time sessions address common challenges such as financial stress and income support programs, drug benefits, family stress, explaining your pain, smoking, weight gain, insomnia and sexual dysfunction. We provide tips, self-help materials and links to community resources.

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