Type 2 Diabetes: Diet, nutrition and weight management

A well-balanced, low-fat diet with moderate portion sizes and special attention to carbohydrates is an important part of overall health and diabetes management.

Energy in our foods comes from carbohydrate, fat, and protein. Our bodies prefer to use carbohydrate as the main energy source. 

Carbohydrate in the form of sugar and starch is broken down into glucose and absorbed into the blood stream. Sugar and starch cause the blood sugar to rise after a meal or snack.

Foods that contain carbohydrates also provide us with other important nutrients that are essential to good health. These foods are:

  • Grains – bread, pasta, rice, cereals, foods made with flour
  • Legumes – beans and lentils
  • Starchy vegetables – corn, peas, potatoes, squash
  • Fruits
  • Milk and yogurt
  • Sweets and desserts

Healthy eating tips for diabetes

  • Eat 3 well balanced meals, spaced 4-6 hours apart
  • Have a small snack if meals are more than 6 hours apart 
  • Enjoy a small bedtime snack with carbohydrate and protein
  • Limit sugars and sweets including regular pop, desserts, candies, jam, sugar and honey
  • If you are thirsty between meals, drink water instead of pop or juice
  • Limit high fat foods such as fried foods, chips and pastries
  • Eat more vegetables 
  • Include starchy foods at each meal (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes)
  • Choose 3 out of 4 of the food groups at each meal
  • Increase your fibre intake by choosing whole grain breads and cereals, adding lentils, dried beans and peas to soups and casseroles, have vegetables and fruit as a snack


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