Hygiene and infection prevention

Clean your hands icon/logo

Reducing infection is everyone’s responsibility. We want to encourage anyone who comes to us for care to do their part in infection prevention and to feel comfortable reminding any care provider to wash their hands. This is an important step in being a partner in your own care. It’s ok to remind us!

St. Joseph’s always aims to improve hand hygiene compliance as part of our relentless pursuit of safety - a strategic priority. Ultimately, we would like to surpass our overall goal of 95 per cent.

Patients and residents will notice communication though various promotional materials including bedside posters, buttons, social media, hospital elevator wraps and surveys.

We are asking patients and residents to ask us to clean our hands and do their part in cleaning their own.

Thank you for your support in continuing to promote and improve hand hygiene compliance, ensuring a safe environment for all, and earning the complete confidence of those we serve.