Care Partnership Office

Founded in 2020, St. Joseph’s Care Partnership Office uses the experience of patients, residents, and caregivers to improve how care is given and received.

Our goal is for every patient, resident and family caregiver experience to be as full partners in care.

What are the roles of the Care Partnership Office?

 The Care Partnership Office team:

  • leads the recruitment, onboarding and education of care partners, sustaining their confidence; and acting as a link between care partners and clinical areas/support services.
  • manages a sustainable pool of care partners to participate in projects across the organization that will benefit from their fist-hand experience.
  • serves as a guide, coach and subject matter expert in co-design, quality improvement and knowledge translation strategies related to patient, resident and caregiver engagement.

Contact us: 

Jennifer Hall, Manager, Care Partnership 
Phone: 519-646-6100 x45760 
Email: @email 

Mailing address:

St. Joseph’s Health Care London,
Parkwood Institute Main Building
London, Ontario, N6C 0A7

Location address:

Care Partnership Team Office 
St Joseph’s Health Care London, 
Parkwood Institute- Main Building,  
550 Wellington Road South, B5-160 
London, Ontario, N6C 0A7 
Phone: 519-646-6100 x45621 
Email: @email