Lisa Porter

‘Discovery comes from great questions’

When Lisa Porter was barely old enough to read, her parents bought a family-sized set of encyclopedias from a door-to-door salesperson. The A-to-Z world was suddenly at the six-year-old’s fingertips, in books that answered more questions than she knew how to ask. Today, as the new Vice President...
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Haiyun Cho

Finding the right notes

High school student Hayun Cho picks up her flute in front of an eager audience of residents at St. Joseph’s Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care (Mount Hope). It’s a Sunday afternoon and Hayun, who volunteers her talents three times a week, starts playing a few crowd favorites including classics by...
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five care providers in the breast care program

281 steps to world-class care

“We have world-class breast care here, and it’s because of the people – and the technology,” says Dr. Sarah Knowles, surgical Oncologist and Interim Medical Director. And every year, 23,000 patients walk the 281 steps from the front door of St. Joseph’s Hospital to the breast care program. They...
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Joan and Monica

The gift of good company

When Joan Anderson found herself at risk of having her cataract surgery cancelled because she didn’t have someone to accompany her while in hospital, she took matters into her own hands. Joan, whose name is changed to protect her identity, was scheduled to have the outpatient procedure and required...
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Maverick and Michelle

A ‘pawsitive’ volunteer visit

As Maverick strolls through the hallway of St. Joseph’s Health Care London (St. Joseph’s), a crowd of enthusiastic onlookers begin to gather - recognizing him by name. Maverick isn't your average St. Joseph’s volunteer - he's a majestic five- year-old Great Dane, proudly displaying his name tag and...
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