a physiotherapist demonstrates a leg raise exercise while looking at her patient on a laptop montior

A move in the right direction

At just 39-years-old, Beth Miller experienced a hemorrhagic stroke in early January – losing significant mobility in the right-side of her body. A devastating reality for a natural athlete and mother of three. After spending three weeks as an inpatient at St. Joseph’s Parkwood Institute, Beth was...
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Man sitting in front of a laptop

Virtual recovery

There is a saying that youth vote with their feet – if they are interested, they will show up. This has certainly been the case for youths in St. Joseph’s Adolescent Psychiatry Outreach Program at...
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Care and compassion bridges distance and space

Since the pandemic began, John Hodgkinson has been taking part in group education sessions with others living with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). But not to worry – John is the only person in the room. All are tuning in by phone. Not only does the 70-year old see no downside to this...
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The beat goes on

Therapeutic recreation team keeps the music flowing for residents at Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care There is nothing like the experience of hearing live music, but for residents at Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care (Mount Hope) watching one of their favourite live performers via Skype –...
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