Paul Glennie holding his young son in his arms

OSI Clinic successfully transitions to virtual care

For St. Joseph’s Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinic , it just wasn’t an option to limit access to patient care when the pandemic hit earlier this year. “The abrupt physical closure of the Toronto Clinic was stressful for patients and staff, and we made quick changes,” reports Dr. Maya Roth...
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two men raising their drinks while sitting outside

Your donations fueled our fight against COVID-19

Keeping people connected During a time of self-isolation, the world has become much smaller. Your support kept loneliness at bay for residents, inpatients and Veterans through the purchase of iPads and SMART Boards for virtual calls with loved ones, which also provided fun and educational...
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Tom Ward

Helping brain injury patients get more out of life

Tom Ward thought he was healthy but his personality changes and sleep disturbances raised warning flags for his wife Elke. Despite his protests, she accompanied him to his doctor where she shared her concerns. After Tom failed a short-term memory test, he was referred to a neurologist who ordered a...
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two women standing at the counter of the store where they volunteer

Eager to help

While many volunteers continue to stay safe at home, they remain within our hearts and have been greatly missed at St. Joseph’s. Nearly 1,000 volunteers play an integral part in the care experience of each patient, visitor, resident and staff. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, St. Joseph's Volunteer...
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Female scientist adding sample to test tube

Your donations unleashed the possibilities of medical science

Not always visible to patients and visitors are the specialized labs and research centres that exist across the many sites of St. Joseph’s, and the dedicated medical scientists who work in them. Hospital-based medical research has always been central to the care mission of St. Joseph’s. In fact...
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Lori paddling in a kayak

Your donations advanced mental health care

The right kind of treatment Two years ago, Lori Linton felt she was running out of options. Struggling with a series of heartbreaking family and health challenges, her burdens were crippling — mentally and emotionally. Lori was prescribed various medications for her mental health, but little changed...
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Elderly man and woman are seated beside each other and are are kissing with their faces away from the camera

Together again

After more than three decades as husband and wife, Adam and Suzanne Jessburger were separated due to illness. Almost a year ago, during the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, both were hospitalized at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). Now the lovebirds are grateful to be together at St...
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three members of a volunteer vaccination team wearing matching T-shirts

Reaching out to rise to the challenge

A small but mighty team at St. Joseph’s has been helping to ensure vulnerable individuals in our community receive COVID-19 vaccinations. This trio of staff members, called the COVID Response and Stabilization Team (CRST), volunteer their time administering the vaccine in London area group homes...
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