Roger Oatman

Fast and Slow - The Speeds of a Stroke Journey

It was the middle of the night in January 2022 when Michael woke up with a strange feeling. After tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable, Michael’s wife woke to ask if he was OK. “When I replied, she noticed I was slurring my words,” Michael recalls. “Then she quickly asked me to squeeze her...
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graphic of head

Pushing Boundaries in Stroke Rehabilitation

Dr. Robert Teasell remembers visiting veterans in the large open wards at the old Westminster Hospital when he was a medical student. “The most popular person was a lady who went around twice a day and handed out free cigarettes,” he says with a laugh, “Times have changed!” They certainly have, and...
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Archie Shadrach

Your Donation Matters to Archie

Archie Shadrach, a resident at Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care, has a smile that spreads from one side of his face to the other. He’s the kind of person who can reflect on the good times and bad and still see the bright side of life. And after 99 years of living, he’s experienced it all. Archie...
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Dave Perkins

Your Donation Matters to Dave

Dec 19, 2022 – We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dave Perkins. Dave was a champion for our community and a keen supporter of the mission of St. Joseph’s. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this time. Not many people can say they’ve built special radar technology for Canadian...
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Veteran George Beardshaw

Lest we forget

Secord World War veteran George Beardshaw enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces at the age of 18. Beardshaw would go on to fight in France, landing at Juno Beach to help liberate French cities from Nazi Germany’s control. “We lost a lot of men during that time,” says George. Near the end of the war...
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Veterans memorial at Parkwood Institute during autumn

Hall of Heroes

Thank you to the Hall of Heroes donors, who give to the specialized needs of Veterans cared for in the Veterans Care Program at St. Joseph’s Parkwood Institute. We are so grateful for your ongoing support. Each year, your contributions help enhance the lives of our Veterans in so many special ways...
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Terry Louise Woods and her table display

Knitting Together a Caring Life

It’s hard to miss as you stroll through the Artisan’s Loft at The Market at Western Fair District: a table filled with pumpkins painted neon pink. Sitting beside them is a photograph of a group of dogs wearing pink balloons and the message, “Get those puppies checked!” It’s Terry Louise Woods’s way...
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Dr. Fraser

London researchers discover novel method to diagnose long COVID

Published this week in Molecular Medicine , researchers at Lawson Health Research Institute have found that patients with post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) have unique biomarkers in their blood. The team is now working on developing a first of its kind blood test that could be used to diagnose...
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