Pharmacy, Shops & Facilities


Pharmacy is organized as a clinical department. The Director of Pharmacy is Andrey Andriets (519-646-6100 ext. 65526).

The day to day operations of Pharmacy are managed by Coordinators.

Pharmacy staff members provide care to clients at all sites of the organization and within many programs across the continuum of health care (inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care and community based care). St. Joseph’s serves clients (adolescent to elderly) with complex and chronic diseases, chronic mental illness, clients on their journey through rehabilitation and recovery, Veterans of Canada and residents in our long term care programs.

Student placements are organized by site coordinators after approval by the Pharmacy Leadership Team.

Placement Options 

Pharmacy offers a variety of placement opportunities depending on the availability of Pharmacy staff to mentor and supervise the student. 

The structure of the placement depends on the student (ie pharmacist or pharmacy technician) and their academic or curriculum driven requirement.

Pharmacist students- recent graduate student placements (internships) are offered depending on the availability of qualified staff.

Length of Placement

The length of the placement is determined by the curriculum of the school or where the student is in their path to become registered with the Ontario College of Pharmacists- Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician.

Regulatory Body/Professional Association

Each academic institution has its own method for evaluating the progress of students. In addition, students from certain schools provide feedback to St. Joseph’s on their academic placement.

Evaluation Process

Placements for students from accredited programs with agreements with St. Joseph’s are arranged to meet the needs of the student and the Pharmacy staff who will be involved with the student.

It is the accountability of the academic program to ensure each student completes the pre requisites prior to placement.

Orientation Process

Orientation process is arranged/scheduled to meet the specific needs of the student and is dependent on the length of placement and the purpose of the placement. It may include attendance at the Corporate Orientation.

Online Merchandise Store

Discover unique, original and one-of-a-kind St. Joseph's products and conveniently purchase items through Talbot Marketing's secure e-commerce online shopping experience. Check back often as new items will be added in the future.

A number of items are kept in inventory and available for immediate purchase while a select group of products are printed "on-demand" (as needed basis). These items typically require a two week production timeframe and will be shipped as soon as they are ready.

If you have difficulties using the store or you don't find what you are looking for, send an email to let us know or request an item. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

If you have technical issues with the site and can't submit your order, email Talbot.