Our Stories

Read the latest stories about what's going on at St. Joseph's Health Care London.

three women and one man standing together and smiling

Celebrating Heroism

This June, St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation hosted its annual Hall of Heroes celebration, an event highlighting the unwavering support of the community and the inspiring spirit of Canada’s Veterans. The Veterans Care Program at Parkwood Institute is home to nearly 100 Veterans and service men and women, providing compassionate care in comfortable living spaces since assuming responsibility for veteran care in 1980. Through donor generosity, these funds go towards items and upgrades that ensure residents receive the care and respect they rightfully deserve. "Your support this past year made...
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Our People: Meet Cy Hartland, Volunteer

What do you know about the people you pass in the hall or see in the cafeteria every day? What do they do at St. Joseph’s? Here we will introduce you to a member of the St. Joseph’s family, recognizing their contribution to respect, excellence and compassion. Role When you walk through the front...
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In creative pursuit of recovery

Everyone knows Richard has talent. The room falls silent as he clears his throat, pulls the microphone close, strums an intro chord and eases into a soulful ballad. Richard is a patient of St. Joseph’s Mental Health Care Program at Parkwood Institute. He’s performing one of his original songs, just...
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St. Joseph’s adopts the latest in breast imaging technology

Contrast-enhanced mammography and 3D mammography are resulting in quicker, more accurate diagnosis of breast cancer for patients of St. Joseph’s Breast Care Program. The latest wave in breast imaging technology has arrived at St. Joseph’s Hospital and is making a significant difference in precision...
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Globe-trotting surgeon

Dr. Muriel Brackstone is setting out on a globe-trotting, three-continent expedition to share her world-class expertise in breast cancer surgery. The surgical oncologist and breast surgery lead with St. Joseph’s Breast Care Program is the recipient of the prestigious James IV Travelling Fellowship...
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New interview room eases turmoil for victims of sexual assault

Victims of sexual assault or human trafficking who choose to give a statement to police can now do so without leaving the supportive environment of the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program (RSADVTP) at St. Joseph’s Hospital. In an expanded partnership between St. Joseph’s...
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image of 4 volunteers in group

Where they want to be

A tireless group of volunteers grace the hallways at St. Joseph’s Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care twice a week, helping residents stay close to God. Transporting 70 residents to and from Mass twice a week is a big job, but every single volunteer feels it is well worth the time, effort and...
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