Our Stories

Read the latest stories about what's going on at St. Joseph's Health Care London.

Beverly and James Thompson standing in front medical imaging equipment

Generations of giving

Down-to-earth, quietly generous, and community minded are just a few of the words that come to mind when you think about Beverly and the late James (Jim) Thompson and their family. Along with the generations of the family that came before them, they have been enriching communities across Ontario for more 100 years. Bev, Jim and their family will be honoured at the 2024 St. Joseph’s Tribute Dinner this October in recognition of their extraordinary contributions to care and research at St. Joseph’s and their strong commitment to helping people in the local community and beyond. Born and raised...
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Krisztina Huszar behind the mask

Necessary evolution

Physiotherapist, Krisztina like many people, went through a period of intense stress with her family. “The most challenging part of COVID-19 has been keeping a healthy balance of activities and a positive outlook; trying to maintain my own focus to continue to steer our family along the emotional...
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Kaliopi behind the mask

A helpful hand and fond memories

Health information coder turned therapeutic recreation assistant Kaliopi takes her hat off to those who work at Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care. Redeployed for two months, she assisted with social connections, personal touches and dining for the residents at Mount Hope. She admits her time...
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Mac Copp behind the mask

Rowing in the right direction

Mac Copp’s heart sank when he heard news that 2020 Olympics would be postponed. At the time he was training six days a week as part of the Canadian National Rowing Team, competing for a chance to represent Canada in Tokyo. Concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 put his lifelong dream of becoming...
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Christina Seely behind the mask

Good food, better health

“You are what you eat,” says Christina Seely, Registered Dietitian at Parkwood Institute. “I often tell patients that our bodies don’t plug into the wall—they rely on the essential nutrients we consume to function.” Working in the Mental Health Care Program for 14 years, Christina is the dedicated...
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The lives you save

“I don’t know who helped saved my life,” says Andrea Campbell. “I can’t meet them or thank them personally – but I can give back. I can donate blood.” In 2015, Andrea, a therapeutic recreational specialist with St. Joseph’s Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team, was the recipient of a massive...
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Stacey Tarkowski behind the mask

Kneading a helping hand

Stacey gets emotional when she thinks about what life has been like over the past year. Living through the pandemic has given her a newfound appreciation for her family, friends, health and career. It reminds her not to take anything for granted and help others whenever possible. Stacey is a...
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Makayla Huffman behind the mask

A simple exchange

Makayla was feeling quite overwhelmed and anxious when the pandemic began. She was aware the pulmonary function clinic was going to be closed temporarily, and that she was going to be sent to work in another area, but she didn’t know where. “Our team became closer as we were all going through...
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Margot and her daughter

New options in an old battle

While many may have heard of sickle cell disease, an understanding of its life-altering trajectory and the agony it reaps is often lacking. At St. Joseph’s, pain specialists are part of a new, collaborative approach in London to improve care for a growing number of people living with the blood...
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