Our Stories

Read the latest stories about what's going on at St. Joseph's Health Care London.

three women and one man standing together and smiling

Celebrating Heroism

This June, St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation hosted its annual Hall of Heroes celebration, an event highlighting the unwavering support of the community and the inspiring spirit of Canada’s Veterans. The Veterans Care Program at Parkwood Institute is home to nearly 100 Veterans and service men and women, providing compassionate care in comfortable living spaces since assuming responsibility for veteran care in 1980. Through donor generosity, these funds go towards items and upgrades that ensure residents receive the care and respect they rightfully deserve. "Your support this past year made...
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portraits of Janet Donais and Cheryl Kaufman, winners of the 2021 Sisters of St. Joseph Awards

Flourishing in the face of adversity

In a year like no other, at a time when so much is being asked, the 2021 Sisters of St. Joseph Awards for Excellence presented by St. Joseph’s Health Care London take on extra special meaning. Throughout the extraordinary challenges of the past 12 months, the legacy of the founding Sisters of St...
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Dr. Tamara Spaic, Dr. Sandra Northcott, Dr. Kristin Clemens, Dr. Gillian Kernaghan

The changing face of medicine

The face of medicine is changing. Within London’s hospitals, 953 physicians are women - bright minds who make up an impressive 41 per cent of the total physician workforce at St. Joseph’s Health Care London (St. Joseph’s) and London Health Sciences Centre. Nationally, the percentage of physicians...
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Andrea Campbell seated next to softly blurred images of therapeutic artwork and a walk in nature

Therapeutic recreation supports recovery

On the surface, therapeutic recreation can look like a lot of fun and games with activities that may include journal writing, sculpting and painting. Below the surface, however, lies a health care profession that can help restore an individual’s mental and physical well-being. As therapeutic...
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woman drinking coffee in front of a store

Concussion patient advocate shares her experience to help others

A few years ago, Jill Wright's life was turned upside down in an instant. She had a lot on her mind, juggling a busy work schedule, shuttling her daughters to after school practices and preparing for the grand opening of her family's espresso bar. It was during one particularly hectic evening that...
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Scientist looking through a confocal microscope

Lighting the way to better heart care

The heart is one of the hardest working organs in the body, pumping vital oxygen and nutrients through the blood to keep the body’s system in good functioning order. When the heart becomes damaged or weakened by other conditions – a syndrome called heart failure – a person can be left breathless...
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four people hold up a large cheque

Concussion recovery app launches with donor support

Small beginnings, big ideas and proactive creativity. Long before the advent of the smart phone, these were the principles that led Frank Cowan to success in the early 20th century insurance business. A century later, the Cowan Foundation has continued that legacy through their support of...
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