Our Stories

Read the latest stories about what's going on at St. Joseph's Health Care London.

Beverly and James Thompson standing in front medical imaging equipment

Generations of giving

Down-to-earth, quietly generous, and community minded are just a few of the words that come to mind when you think about Beverly and the late James (Jim) Thompson and their family. Along with the generations of the family that came before them, they have been enriching communities across Ontario for more 100 years. Bev, Jim and their family will be honoured at the 2024 St. Joseph’s Tribute Dinner this October in recognition of their extraordinary contributions to care and research at St. Joseph’s and their strong commitment to helping people in the local community and beyond. Born and raised...
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Dr. Mohan Merchea and his wife Kanta

From India with Love

After more than six decades of courage, care, and giving back, Dr. Mohan Merchea and his family are creating an award to support ophthalmology residents at St. Joseph’s.
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patient undergoing breast screening

Did the pandemic derail your regular breast screening?

COVID-19 has inadvertently provided further proof of the importance of timely screening for breast cancer. Book your appointment today. If you missed your breast screening appointment due to the pandemic, book it now. A serious side effect of COVID-19 has come to light showing the impact of...
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Dr. Michael Borrie

Do you have dementia?

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you were there? Do you lose your keys or your cell phone or find yourself searching for a word in a conversation? Are you worried these are signs you may have memory problems and even dementia? While 40 per cent of us will experience some type of...
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All in the family

A new exhibit at St. Joseph’s Hospital showcases generations of families that have contributed to the legacy of the hospital dating back to its earliest days. American author Alex Haley famously wrote “in every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.” At St. Joseph...
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Chris Boyd with award

Helping to heal

“I was surprised when I got the call,” smiles Chris Boyd. “I never expected it and I could hardly believe it.” The unexpected call was from the Governor General’s office of Canada. Chris was given the exciting news that she was one of this year’s recipients of the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers...
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Man gets eye checkup at Ivey Eye Institute

Protecting our most precious gift – our ability to see

Delicate and intricately complex, it’s essential for vision. It’s also a common culprit in the loss of that gift. The retina contains millions of cells that work together to detect light and communicate with the brain. But aging and various health conditions can lead to retina complications that can...
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Mark Alfieri holding an apple

St. Joseph’s prescribes lifestyle as medicine 

For years, 58-year-old Mark Alfieri had missed all the signs of type 2 diabetes. The ones he did notice – numbness and pain in his hands and feet – he dismissed as part of a long-standing back injury. He also admits to abusing his body with less than stellar eating habits and an addiction to sugar...
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