
drawing of lightbulb

St. Joseph's helps Shine the Light on women abuse

Are you a victim of woman abuse? Do you know where to go for help? The Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program at St. Joseph’s Hospital provides care for women, children and men who have experienced sexual assault/sexual abuse and/or domestic violence. A team of specialized...
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The gift of the ‘Bag Ladies’

In the friendly and quaint village of London’s Old South, tucked away in the basement of the majestic Wesley-Knox United Church, there’s a sweat shop. No guff. Each assigned a specific task, 15 to 25 women sit in clusters at tables toiling all day long – well organized, perfectly choreographed and...
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COPD patients breathe in benefits of fitness

Just a few months ago, Jim Kenny would have described himself as fragile. He couldn’t walk to the end of his lane to take out the garbage. He was depressed with no social life and dwindling independence. “I was in desperate shape.” For Byron Ducharme, 76, taking a shower and putting on socks and...
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Bob Armstrong

Painting your passion

WWII veteran Bob Armstrong sits diligently in a busy art studio at Parkwood Institute. A light from a nearby window cascades on what was once a blank canvas – now filled with life and colour. At 91, the accomplished artist has not lost his touch. “When painting a portrait of an animal, you have to...
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Heeman family

Nurturing our community

Ask the farming Heeman family about their giving philosophy and the response is fittingly down to earth – both literally and figuratively. “The community is a lot like a plant – if you nurture it, invest in it and care for it, it will thrive and prosper,” says Will Heeman. Sitting around the table...
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Joan and Monica

The gift of good company

When Joan Anderson found herself at risk of having her cataract surgery cancelled because she didn’t have someone to accompany her while in hospital, she took matters into her own hands. Joan, whose name is changed to protect her identity, was scheduled to have the outpatient procedure and required...
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