Partnered to create a homeless hub at Parkwood Institute

In partnership with Atlohsa Family Healing Services and as part of the Health and Homelessness: Whole-of-System Response, St. Joseph’s became an official site for a homelessness hub in London and continued to re-develop the Indigenous-led shelter –Wiigiwaaminaan – in J Building at Parkwood Institute.

photo of homeless hub indigenous shelter

As part of the city’s whole-of-community system response plan to better serve and support the homeless in London, hubs were created across the city, offering 24-hour shelter and services for up to 30 people each. The hubs are designed to support the highest acuity individuals in our community through services from multi-disciplinary teams, with an active effort to enable each individual’s next steps towards highly supportive housing. Atlohsa Family Healing Services was approved by the City of London to operate a hub at St. Joseph’s Parkwood Institute, focused on supporting our community’s Indigenous population at the existing Wiigiwaaminaan shelter space currently located on the sites grounds. Atlohsa had previously been using the space as a temporary shelter to house up to 18 Indigenous people experiencing homelessness.  

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