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Dr. Gerald Brock
Dr. Gerald Brock

Erectile Dysfunction: What it means for your heart health

Nov 14, 2018
Dr. Gerald Brock is the former President of the Canadian Urological Association and a leading researcher in the field of urology. He shares how erectile dysfunction research is uncovering new findings for men’s cardiovascular health.
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Dr. Brain Rotenberg
Dr. Brian Rotenberg

Sleeping Better: What it means for living longer

Sep 13, 2018
Dr. Brian Rotenberg is a surgeon with Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital and an Associate Professor and Residency Program Director at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University. He will share the latest in treatments for managing sleep disorders (snoring and apnea), how throat surgery can drastically change sleep apnea and how these advances can improve lives.
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Michael Borrie
Dr. Michael Borrie

A better Brain: Maintaining Memory & Independence

Jul 10, 2018
Dr. Michael Borrie is the Medical Director of the Aging Brain and Memory Clinic and researcher with the Cognitive Clinical Research Group. He shares how research is detecting Alzheimer’s disease and dementias before symptoms emerge to help clinicians uncover ways to slow progression.
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Dr. Sandra Northcott
Dr. Sandra Northcott

Suicide Awareness and Prevention: What to say to those who may be at risk

May 24, 2018
Dr. Sandra Northcott, Interim Chief of Mental Health Care at St. Joseph's Health Care London shares the warning signs and symptoms of suicide ideation and offer support strategies to help you navigate this difficult topic with the people you love, especially with young adults.
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Dr. Muriel Brackstone
Dr. Muriel Brackstone

Breast Defense: What the future of breast cancer treatment looks like

Mar 22, 2018
Dr. Muriel Brackstone is an Associate Scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute and Medical Director of the Breast Care Program at St. Joseph's Hospital. Below, she shares how personalized medicine is shaping the future of breast cancer care.
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Dr. Gregor Reid
Dr. Gregor Reid

Probiotic Power: What a healthy gut can do for you

Jan 30, 2018
Watch Dr. Gregor Reid, scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute and one of the world’s leading experts on probiotics, explain how beneficial bacteria can have a dramatic effect on your overall health.
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DocTalks is a series of community health discussions featuring leading physicians and researchers at St. Joseph's Health Care London. Learn from the experts how St. Joseph's is tackling the pressing health issues of our time and why it matters to you and your family.

Attendance is free but registration is required.

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