Your Impact

Jill Chapman and her husband and son at an ice hockey rink

An unwanted discovery leads to thoughtful gift

Jill was watching an episode of Oprah when she first discovered the lump in her right breast. Oprah’s guest was explaining how to check a bra’s fit and Jill was following along when she felt the mass. It was an anxious feeling given that she had recently been given a clean bill of health after her...
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two men raising their drinks while sitting outside

Your donations fueled our fight against COVID-19

Keeping people connected During a time of self-isolation, the world has become much smaller. Your support kept loneliness at bay for residents, inpatients and Veterans through the purchase of iPads and SMART Boards for virtual calls with loved ones, which also provided fun and educational...
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Female scientist adding sample to test tube

Your donations unleashed the possibilities of medical science

Not always visible to patients and visitors are the specialized labs and research centres that exist across the many sites of St. Joseph’s, and the dedicated medical scientists who work in them. Hospital-based medical research has always been central to the care mission of St. Joseph’s. In fact...
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Lori paddling in a kayak

Your donations advanced mental health care

The right kind of treatment Two years ago, Lori Linton felt she was running out of options. Struggling with a series of heartbreaking family and health challenges, her burdens were crippling — mentally and emotionally. Lori was prescribed various medications for her mental health, but little changed...
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Dr Gillian Kernaghan wears a London knights jersey and holds up a sign thanking the hockey team

London Knights score big for St. Joseph’s COVID-19 response

Nobody could have anticipated the crushing impact COVID-19 would have on nearly all aspects of our lives. The pandemic has ushered in rapid change borne out of necessity to contain the virus – everything from stringent infection control measures and social gathering restrictions, to limits on toilet...
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Scientist looking through a confocal microscope

Lighting the way to better heart care

The heart is one of the hardest working organs in the body, pumping vital oxygen and nutrients through the blood to keep the body’s system in good functioning order. When the heart becomes damaged or weakened by other conditions – a syndrome called heart failure – a person can be left breathless...
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four people hold up a large cheque

Concussion recovery app launches with donor support

Small beginnings, big ideas and proactive creativity. Long before the advent of the smart phone, these were the principles that led Frank Cowan to success in the early 20th century insurance business. A century later, the Cowan Foundation has continued that legacy through their support of...
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Two men pose for scenic photo with their bicycles

Pacing Your Recovery 

It’s been almost nine years since Rob Staffen was in an accident that would change his life forever. Staffen was cycling down a mountain near Palm Springs, California in October 2012 when suddenly his road bike malfunctioned, catapulting him head-first into the rock-strewn desert landscape. The...
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