Spiritual Care - Services

Please contact Spiritual Care at 519-646-6100, ext. 66029 to confirm events are happening.

St. Joseph's Hospital

At St. Joseph’s Hospital, spiritual care is provided by either referral or request as spiritual or emotional concerns arise. Often, this comes in relation to receiving a new diagnosis, living with chronic disease or when trying to find meaning during transition or loss. 

  • Celebration of Life – COPD Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • COPD Rehab education (“Green Programming”)
  • Monthly Roman Catholic Mass


The St. Joseph's Chapel is located on the 2nd floor of St. Joseph's Hospital, off the main corridor of Zone E. This chapel, built by the Sisters of St. Joseph's, who founded the hospital, is protected as a heritage site.

  • Roman Catholic masses are held the first Wednesday of every month at 12:00 pm.
Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care

Spiritual care practitioner supports residents, family, physicians and staff through difficult times, including admission, crisis, loss or impending loss, ethical decisions, religious rites, and services.

  • Weekly mindfulness reflective spirituality groups
  • Hymn sing

Celebration of Life Service
This service, honours the lives of the residents who have passed. It offers spiritual and emotional care to the families and friends of those who have lost their loved one and are in the midst of their grief process. 

The Our Lady of Hope Chapel is located off the Town Square beside the auditorium on the main floor of the Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care.

  • Roman Catholic Masses on Wednesdays at 10:30 am
  • Ecumenical service, led by various members of the community clergy, on Thursday mornings at 10:30 am
Parkwood Institute Main Building

A team of spiritual care practitioners support those in Complex Care, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, Geriatrics and Veterans' Care programs.


The Chapel of the Good Shepherd, located in the Western Counties Wing, offers a warm and inviting sacred space for people to gather for communal worship or individual reflection and prayer. It is also used for funerals and other services.

  • Roman Catholic Mass is celebrated every Tuesday morning at 10:00 am.
  • Ecumenical Service is held every Wednesday at 2 pm.
  • Special services are celebrated throughout the year.

The Reflection and Prayer Space located on the fifth floor, is designed to affirm the beauty and wonder of life with an arc of windows flooding the room with natural light, and providing a beautiful view of the sky and gardens. 

  • Meditation group is held every Monday and Wednesday from 11:30 to 11:45 am.
  • Weekly spirituality groups are also offered.

The Sacrament of the Sick is available upon request either individually or communally. The Spiritual Care staff help facilitate the celebration of rituals and worship from a variety of faith backgrounds upon request.

Qualified chaplains work in a multitude of ways. They offer spiritual care to patients and families during hospitalization and residency, staff support, serve as advocates for patients and residents and serve as a link between the hospital and local faith communities

Parkwood Institute Finch Family Mental Health Care Building

The Spiritual Care Department is located on the main floor (level 2) just off of the downtown area.  It includes the Chapel of Hope as well as a Reflection and Prayer Space.

Spirituality and Hope Groups

  • Hope Group (spirituality discussion) is held every Tuesday at 11 a.m.
  • A floor labyrinth is available for quiet reflective walking.
  • An English translation of the Qu'ran as well as a prayer mat are available.

Other activities

  • The "Wall of Hope" displays a variety of patient, staff and family artistic reflections related to spirituality. This is found in the spiritual care lobby area, and is available for anyone to display their artistic talent.
  • A large outdoor labyrinth is available for meditative walking (between Parkwood Institute’s Finch Family Main Building and the Mental Health Care Building).
  • Weekly spirituality groups are offered on various units.


The Chapel of Hope, is located in the Mental Health Care Building on the ground floor. The chapel and Reflection and Prayer Space are open 8 am to 8 pm. Patients, physicians, staff, and volunteers are welcome to use the space for personal reflection or prayers, and to walk the labyrinth in the Reflection and Prayer Space floor.

  • Ecumenical chapel services are held every Thursday at 11 am
  • Roman Catholic Communion services are held the fourth Thursday of the month at 11:00 am
Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care

At Southwest Centre, spiritual care is provided through the following programs:

  • Weekly spirituality groups
  • Roman Catholic sacramental and pastoral ministry on request
  • Monthly smudging ceremony
  • Weekly hymn sings
  • Special church services as announced


The Chapel and Reflection and Prayer Space are located on level 1 and are open 24 hours a day.  Patients, physicians, staff, and volunteers are welcome to use the space for personal reflection or prayers, and to walk the labyrinth on the prayer room floor.

  • Roman Catholic sacramental and pastoral ministry on request
  • Special Church Service as announced
  • Monthly smudging ceremony
  • Weekly spirituality groups and humn sings
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