Post-Acute COVID-19 Program - Services

Medical Support

Medical services are provided at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Treatment for PACS revolves around supporting the body in its recovery and giving it the tools needed to heal itself. This includes aiming for restful sleep, eating a healthy balanced diet, pacing the return to activities such as work and exercise, and reaching out for emotional, social, and spiritual support.  

At this time, there are no specific medications to treat PACS. Rather, we offer non-pharmacological and pharmacological options to patients which target their specific symptoms. Your treatment plan may include a combination of medications such as inhalers, oral medications (i.e. antihistamines, anti-inflammatories, analgesics, etc.), anti-inflammatories and pain treatments, among others.

What to expect at your first appointment

The first appointment is a thorough review of the person’s medical and surgical history, as well as the details of their COVID-19 infection. At this appointment:

  1. A detailed questionnaire will be completed regarding current COVID-19 symptoms (this will take approximately 15 minutes to complete)
  2. We will review all current medications, including vitamins, supplements, and herbal medicines.
  3. Vital signs will be taken, such as blood pressure - sometimes both lying down and standing up - blood oxygen levels, temperature, heart rate, and breathing rate.
  4. Tests will be performed, such as a chest x-ray and/or lung (pulmonary) function tests.  Other testing may be arranged, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram - to look at the heart, computed topography scan (CT), blood work, etc. Testing is done to rule in or rule out other possible causes for a person’s signs and symptoms.
  5. A physician or nurse practitioner will decide on a plan of care that fits the individual and you’re their family’s needs and preferences.  
  6. If necessary, a referral will be made, to the post-acute COVID rehabilitation services, located at Parkwood Institute.

Medical support remains in place throughout the program to support people in their rehabilitation.  Because we are one service at two sites, post-acute COVID rehabilitation patients can have medical questions and concerns addressed as they occur.

 When interventions have been completed and a plan of care put in place, patients are discharged to the care of their primary care provider. The time in the program is based on each patient’s individual needs, as the time to heal will vary from person to person.


Rehabilitation services are provided at Parkwood Institute Main Building. Our team works with patients to assess their needs, develop goals, and provide treatments specific to them. 

Treatment may be offered in-person, over the telephone and/or through videoconferencing.  The care provider will work with individuals to determine the best way to receive services. Services are provided one-to-one and in groups.

Physiotherapy treatment may include, but is not limited to:

  • strategies to improve breathing and reduce shortness of breath
  • exercise, including cardiovascular exercise, strength and balance training

Occupational therapy treatment may involve:

  • strategies for energy conservation and pacing to reduce fatigue
  • mindfulness 
  • strategies to help return to work or other activities you enjoy

Speech-language pathology treatment may involve:

  • strategies for communication, including word finding, listening, as well as areas of cognitive communication
  • voice therapy, including improving breathing while speaking and improving vocal quality
  • swallowing management

Social work treatment may involve the following as individuals cope with the challenges brought on by illness, hospitalization and treatment:

  • providing emotional support
  • advocacy
  • sharing information to patients and their families