One-Stop Pituitary Clinic - Before You Arrive

Monday Schedule

Step 1: Lab Test Centre

On the day of your assessment, your first stop will be the Lab Test Centre at St. Joseph's Hospital to have your fasting blood tests done.

The Lab Test Centre is located in Zone B, Level 0, Room B0-634. After the blood tests have been done, you are encouraged to have something to eat.

Step 2: Endocrinologist assessment

Following the blood tests, you will be assessed by endocrinologist Dr. Stan Van Uum, who has particular expertise in pituitary diseases.

This assessment will occur in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinic in Zone B,  Level 4.

Step 3: Visual field testing

After the endocrinology assessment you will have the visual field testing done.

This will be done at in the Ivey Eye Institute, Zone B, Level 1.

Step 4: Ophthalmologist assessment

Next, you will be assessed by the ophthalmologist.

In the same location (Ivey Eye Institute), you will meet with Dr. Alex Fraser or Dr. Alain Proulx, neuro-ophthalmologists, for completion of the assessment of your visual fields.

Step 5: MRI testing (if necessary)

You may also require a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test.

The MRI is located in Medical Imaging in Zone B, Level 5 of St. Joseph's Hospital.

Results of your assessment

The results of your blood tests should be available within a few days. Your endocrinologist will call you within one week to discuss the results and advise you regarding the next steps.

Often, the endocrinologist and neuro-ophthalmologist need will to discuss their findings with the full pituitary team to determine a suggested course of treatment.

Tuesday Schedule

Step 1: Lab Test Centre

On the day of your assessment, your first stop will be the Lab Test Centre at St. Joseph's Hospital to have your fasting blood tests done.

The Lab Test Centre is located in Zone B, Level 0, Room B0-634. After the blood tests have been done, you are encouraged to have something to eat. 

Step 2: Visual field testing

Next, you will have the visual field testing done.

This will be done in the Ivey Eye Institute, Zone B, Level 1 at St. Joseph's Hospital.

Step 3: Endocrinologist assessment

Following the visual field testing, you will be assessed by endocrinologist Dr. Stan Van Uum, who has particular expertise in pituitary diseases.

This assessment will occur in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinic in Zone B, Level 4.

Step 4: Ophthalmologist assessment

Next you will return to the Ivey Eye Institute to be assessed by the ophthalmologist. 

You will meet with Dr. Alain Proulx or Dr. Lulu Bursztyn, neuro-ophthalmologists, for completion of the assessment of your visual fields.

Step 5: MRI testing (if necessary)

You may also require a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test.

The MRI is located in Medical Imaging in Zone B, Level 5 at St. Joseph's Hospital.

Results of your assessment

The results of your blood test should be available within a few days. Your endocrinologist will call you within one week to discuss the results and advise you regarding the next steps.

Often, the endocrinologist and neuro-ophthalmologist need will to discuss their findings with the full pituitary team to determine a suggested course of treatment.


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