Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care - What To Expect

What is long-term care?

Long-term care is a home for those in need of some nursing care on an ongoing or daily basis. Long term care populations include people with significant health challenges and/or cognitive impairment who need 24-hour access to nursing care and supervision. 

Respite care

Three beds at Mount Hope are available for short-stay individuals requiring respite or supportive care.
Respite care is available for individuals living in the community for whom the caregiver requires a period of relief or vacation. Each admission may be up to 60 days with a maximum of 90 days per year..

Accommodation and amenities

Mount Hope is comprised of two buildings joined by an above-ground, indoor ramp. The St. Mary's building opened in 1997. The Marian Villa building underwent renovations which were completed in March 2000. These renovations enhanced the environment, and focused on lounges, bathing areas, dining rooms and bedrooms.

Accommodation rates are adjusted yearly (July 1) to reflect changes in the payment entitlements from the Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS). The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care determines accommodation rates for all long term care homes in Ontario.


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