Full Name
Dr. James Koropatnick
Degrees and Qualifications

BSc, MSc, PhD

Contact Information

Administrative Support
Lindsay Seitz (x53264)
Research Overview

a) Discovery and development of novel antisense and small molecule drugs that enhance the effectiveness of current approved anticancer chemotherapy (funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research [CIHR] and the Medical Oncology Research Fund [MORF])

b) Discovery and development of novel anticancer compounds based on in silico targeting prediction (in collaboration with and funded by Critical Outcome Technologies, Inc.)

c) Discovery and development of novel antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates for treatment of breast, colorectal, head and neck, and other cancers (in collaboration with and funded by Formation Biologics, Inc., the Ontario Centres of Excellence TPS and C2C Programs, and the Ontario Research Fund-Ontario Preclinical Imaging Consortium [ORF-OPIC])

d) Discovery and development of novel immunotherapeutic drugs to stimulate innate immunity against human cancers (in collaboration with and funded by Trillium Therapeutics, Inc.)


• Distinguished Oncology Scientist of the London Regional Cancer Program (the LRCP, at the London Health Sciences Centre)

• Director, Strategic Training Program in Cancer Research and Technology Transfer (CaRTT, funded by the London Regional Cancer Program, Western Department of Oncology, the Lawson Health Research Institute, and Western's Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry). CaRTT is the home of “Partners in Experiential Learning”, a curriculum-based program for high-achieving high school students to usher them into training for leadership positions in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical research. Koropatnick works with Rodger Dusky (PEL Director) to deliver the program

• Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder (with Dr. Mark Vincent) of Sarissa, Inc. (a biotech discovery company)

• Scientific Advisory Board Member, Critical Outcomes Therapeutics, Inc., Formation Biologics, Inc., Zealous Therapeutics, Inc., and MedVax Pharma, Inc.

• Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal (2002)

• Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry Dean’s Award of Excellence (2007)

• UWO Dept. of Oncology, Excellence in Teaching Award (2005)

• UWO Dept. of Oncology, Excellence in Teaching and Research Award (2009)


Trillium Therapeutics, Inc.

Formation Biologics, Inc.

Critical Outcome Technologies, Inc.

Al-Quds University, Israel

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Univ. of Arizona Beyond Center