Urology: Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program (PDAP)
The Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program (PDAP) at St. Joseph's Hospital streamlines testing for patients suspected of having prostate cancer.
A nurse navigator and urologist work together with each patient to ensure the patient is involved with, and understands, their care plan.
Diagnostic Assessment Programs help to ensure patients receive timely and coordinated access to high quality diagnostic services and appropriate treatment. The overall goal is to improve the patient experience and enhance a patient's quality of life during this phase of the medical journey.
This program is in collaboration with the South West Regional Cancer Program.
Learn more about prostate cancer - listen to the DocTalks Podcast episode, To screen or not to screen, with urologist Dr. Stephen Pautler.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program
What is the Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program?
The prostate DAP Program streamlines diagnostic testing for patients suspected of having prostate cancer and if needed, refer a patient for treatment.
Where is the Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program located?
The program is located at St. Joseph’s Hospital, zone B, 4th floor, room 602 (B4-602).
Who will be involved in my care?
A nurse navigator and a urologist will be part of your assessment team. They will involve you in your care planning and help you understand your care plan.
When will my appointment be?
Once the prostate DAP receives a referral from your family doctor, a nurse will call you with a date and time for your appointment, usually within two weeks.
You will need to bring a list of all medications and herbals/vitamins that you are taking to this appointment.
What can I expect during my visit?
You will be assessed by our prostate team. There will be coordination of tests and appointments. Finally, there will be a provision of information and time dedicated to answering questions.
How will my family doctor know what’s going on with me?
Your family doctor is an important member of your health care team. We will send a copy of all the information about your tests and treatments to your family doctor.
Can I bring someone with me to these appointments?
Yes, we encourage you to bring someone that is able to hear the suggestions and recommendations provided to you by your care team.
If I am diagnosed with prostate cancer, what happens next?
There are various management options available for men with prostate cancer that will be discussed with you.
If necessary, you may be referred to other health care providers such as a urologist that specializes in cancer surgery, a radiation oncologist, medical oncologist, spiritual care provider, or social worker to help support you in your decision-making process.
There will be resources and education sessions available to help you make decisions about your treatment.
The prostate DAP team will discuss the next steps in your treatment plan and arrange for follow-up care.
What hospital will I go to if surgery is needed?
Our staff will discuss this with you. We will try to arrange surgery at a hospital as close to home as possible.
Note: If a diagnosis is confirmed and treatment is necessary, care may be provided at London Health Sciences Centre or St. Joseph's Hospital.