Full Name
Dr. Dalton L. Wolfe

Contact Information

Research Overview
  • Spinal Cord and Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation
  • Implementation Science
  • Activity-based therapies to promote neurorecovery

Dr. Dalton Wolfe is a Scientist at Parkwood Institute (SJHC London) and the leader of the R2P (Research 2 Practice) team that integrates clinical and research efforts to improve care and clinical outcomes. His primary research interest is in the area of knowledge mobilization and best practice implementation with a focus on physical activity and activity-based therapies in spinal cord injury and brain injury rehabilitation. He co-leads the Ontario SCI Implementation, Evaluation and Quality Care Consortium which focuses on implementation of quality indicators towards the enhancement of care across the 5-academic health centres involved in SCI rehabilitation in the province of Ontario. As part of the Parkwood Rehabilitation Innovations in Mobility Enhancement (PRIME) initiative he is focused on enhancing clinical decision-making to improve locomotor and other movement-related outcomes with activity-based therapies such as robotic, manual and FES-assisted therapies. As with many of the R2P initiatives this involves implementation science and participatory research methods to put in place practice-based research infrastructure that enables iterative knowledge generation as well as implementation.   Dr. Wolfe Is currently accepting students at the Masters, Doctoral, and post-doctoral levels.


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