Full Name
Dr. Joseph Mymryk
Degrees and Qualifications


Contact Information

Research Overview

It is estimated that viruses are responsible for ~15% of human cancers. In this respect, viruses are a risk factor for cancer second only to tobacco. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is thought to account for about two-thirds of these cancers. In particular, HPV infection is responsible for nearly all cervical cancers and the majority of oropharyngeal cancer. Human adenovirus differs from HPV in that they are not known to be associated with human cancers. However, they can oncogenically transform cells in culture, providing an important model for cancer research. 

The Mymryk laboratory is interested in discovering new targets of the HPV and adenovirus oncoproteins and learning more about their effects on cellular functions. They use genetic and biochemical approaches to study their effect on cell growth and gene expression. Their goal is to use these viral oncogenes as tools to identify and characterize cellular regulatory pathways that, when altered, contribute to cancer.


Dr. Mymryk received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from McMaster University (Hamilton, ON). He then completed Post-Doctoral training in the Departments of Biochemistry and Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Western University (London, ON) and the Department of Microbiology at the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA). 

Over his career, Dr. Mymryk has held several competitive salary awards, including a CIHR New Investigator Scholarship. He also held a Province of Ontario Premier’s Research Excellence Award. He has served as Graduate Chair for the Microbiology & Immunology Graduate Program. For his teaching contributions, Dr. Mymryk has received the USC Award of Excellence several times.

Dr. Mymryk is currently a Distinguished Oncology Scientist at the London Regional Cancer Program, Scientist in the Lawson Health Research Institute and a Professor in the Departments of Microbiology & Immunology, Oncology and Otolaryngology at Western University. His work is supported by grants from the CIHR and NSERC.