Celebrating Heroism

Donors and veterans gathered at Parkwood Institute for a Spring Social celebrating the generous contributions of donors to support those in the Veterans Care Program.
three women and one man stand together smiling
Sherry Frizzell, Sandy Jansen and two Parkwood Institute workers smile for the camera at the Hall of Heroes event.

This June, St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation hosted its annual Hall of Heroes celebration, an event highlighting the unwavering support of the community and the inspiring spirit of Canada’s Veterans.

The Veterans Care Program at Parkwood Institute is home to nearly 100 Veterans and service men and women, providing compassionate care in comfortable living spaces since assuming responsibility for veteran care in 1980. Through donor generosity, these funds go towards items and upgrades that ensure residents receive the care and respect they rightfully deserve.

"Your support this past year made a meaningful difference," said Sandy Jansen, Vice President of Patient Care and Risk Management, to a room full of donors about the transformative impact made possible through their generosity. 

From specialized wheelchair bicycles designed to enhance veterans' recreational experiences to hosting special events and outings this past year, the effect of donor contributions on quality of life for the Veterans is unmistakable.

Donors also helped make possible many of the latest facility enhancements, from renovated library spaces to refurbished lounges. Each improvement is another step forward in the Program's dedication to providing the highest standard of care.

During the event, Sherry Frizzell, Director of the Veterans Care Program, took to the stage to express her gratitude and introduce the transformative power of music therapy. The Veterans music therapy program fosters meaningful connections and enhances the quality of life for residents and their loved ones. The veterans choir gave a stirring musical performance, reminding the audience of the healing power of music and the resilience of the human spirit. As their voices choir filled the room, hearts swelled with pride and gratitude for their service and sacrifice.

With every gracious donation, the Veterans Care Program is able to continue to improve the quality of life and care for veterans who have put their lives on the line for the freedom of us all. As the event came to a close, Bill Tucker, Board Chair, St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation, extended heartfelt thanks to everyone who gave a gift to Veterans Care this past year.

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