DocTalks Podcast: Season 4, Episode 28 - How you walk and your brain health w/Dr. Manual Montero-Odasso

portrait of Manuel Montero-Odasso
Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso

Did you know that how you walk can indicate how healthy your brain is? Studies show how someone walks and how fast can be an early predictor of future falls, frailty, dementia and even life expectancy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, by age 60, 15% of people will have an abnormal gait, a number that jumps to 80% once we hit 85.

On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with St. Joseph's Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso, a world-renowned geriatrician and scientist with the Gait and Brain Lab at Parkwood Institute, about his teams work to study gait and provide interventions to delay diseases like dementia. 

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Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. 

Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

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