Important information for St. Joseph’s patients

As St. Joseph’s Health Care London gradually reintroduces services that were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that patients understand what to expect when they come for care. 

The following is important information for St. Joseph’s patients:

  • You will be notified of your appointment: Patients will be notified directly when their procedure or appointment will be rescheduled. 
  • Please keep your appointment: It’s critical, for their health and safety, that patients do not miss a scheduled surgery or clinic appointment. Those who cannot attend their appointment are asked to call their physician’s office or clinic so that the spot can be given to another patient. 
  • Our buildings are safe to enter: Stringent safety practices are in place to protect the well-being of patients. COVID-19 screening is done at entrances, all patients and essential visitors are provided with masks to wear while in our buildings, physical distancing is being maintained in our clinics and throughout our facilities, and specialized cleaning is done before and after each patient visit. Leave an extra 15 minutes for screening before your appointment check-in time.
  • Your support person may not be able to come in: We continue to limit the number of people in our buildings and visitor restrictions remain in place. Patients who arrive for their appointment with a support person should be aware that the support person may asked to wait outside the building, depending on the patient’s needs.
  • Our Urgent Care Centre is open and safe: St. Joseph’s Urgent Care Centre is a safe place for individuals requiring care for non-life-threatening illness or injury. It is open 365 days a year and has on-site access to medical imaging and laboratory services. For more information, visit

 As we are still in a pandemic, it may be some time before St. Joseph’s can fully open all services, which will require ongoing patience by our patients. Patients are being prioritized to ensure those most in need are seen first. Many patients will, unfortunately, continue to experience delays in receiving a face-to-face appointment. However, many programs and services will continue to serve patients virtually wherever possible. 

Planning for the re-introduction of services has been done in partnership with health service providers across the region and is based on a framework from Ontario Health. 

Thank you for sharing this information with your audiences. 

Please visit our website for more information on what to expect when visiting any of St. Joseph’s sites:


For more information:
Dahlia Reich
Communication Consultant
Office: 519.646.6100 ext. 65294
Cell: 519 619-0971
Pager 10117

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