A lasting commitment to blood donation

Every year, St. Joseph’s Health Care London supports Canadian Blood Services as a participant in the Partners for Life program – a nationwide program that engages corporate companies and community organizations in donating blood. 

As a participant, St. Joseph’s sets an annual blood donation target and rallies staff, physicians and volunteers to make a lasting commitment to blood donation. The organization also takes part in the annual Hospital Challenge in May and June during which hospitals across Ontario compete to donate the most units of blood in the lead up to the summer months, when the need for blood is the most critical.

Give blood during the partners for life blood drive at St. Joseph's


Donate blood today

Donate blood by calling 1 888 2 DONATE. Help St. Joseph’s reach its Partners for Life Hospital Challenge goal by registering online using the St. Joseph’s Partner ID# STJO012736. 

Across St. Joseph’s, many staff regularly roll up their sleeves and have personal, compelling and touching reasons for doing so. For one nurse, donor blood saved her life. For others, it saved the life of a loved one or is simply a way to give of themselves.  All are motivated by the tremendous, never-ending need for the gift of life. In their own words, some of these donors tell us what inspires them to give:

“From as far back as I can remember I watched my dad give blood on a regular basis. He would tell my sister and me that we all have an obligation to help others and give what we can, whether it’s donating to charity, volunteering, or giving blood. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with chronic anemia, so my iron was often too low. Eventually, I was told I could not donate anymore.
About a year ago, I had a significant decline in my health which resulted in a visit to the emergency. When I arrived, they discovered that my hemoglobin was 43 (incredibly low), and I was in the beginning stages of heart failure. I required immediate and multiple blood transfusions. I have never been more thankful for people like my father and so many others who have made it their tradition to give. It saved my life. A few months ago, I required surgery, after which I again required transfusions. Thanks to the generous donations, I had a quick and successful recovery.
Now that my health has improved significantly, I’m hopeful that within the next year, I can once again rejoin the list of donors.”
-Michelle Fredette-Carragher, clinical nurse specialist, Forensic Outreach Program
“I donate blood on a regular basis. I am inspired by my dad and my son, who both needed blood donations at one point in their lives. My dad was also a life-long donor.”
-Tajana Jokic, clinic support specialist, St. Joseph’s Family Medical and Dental Centre
“This past month I gave my 35th donation of blood. I’ve been donating since I was 18-years-old. I have always felt that donating was a way I could help others. As an O- blood type, I am also a universal donor, which means anyone can receive my blood type. As I grow older, I have witnessed friends, family, and even those I don’t know personally, need blood due to an illness or accident. I take great pride in knowing that through my donations, I can save a life. I have a bucket list goal of 50 donations and I hope to surpass that goal.” --Heather Haley, administrative assistant, Food and Nutrition Services
“I would often hear commercials encouraging people to donate blood. I listened to them, but it never sunk in enough to donate. Then, my 18-month-old niece went into hospital for heart surgery.  My niece needed several units of blood during and after her surgery.  It made me think of all of the people who were gracious enough to take the time to donate. Unfortunately, my niece did not recover from her surgery and sadly passed away. I have been extremely lucky and have not needed a blood transfusion, but I now realize that tragedy can strike anyone at any time. My niece would not have had a chance to get through her surgery if she did not receive a blood transfusion. For that, my family and I were very grateful.”
-Mandy Kicks, medical secretary, Assertive Community Treatment (ACT team)
“I give because I can. I was proudly recognized by Canadian Blood Services for having made over 50 donations.”
-Connie Marshall, Psychometrist, Rehab/Acquired Brain Injury Program
“I donate because it’s in me to give, and I’m a universal donor.  I feel good after knowing I may have helped someone.”
-Stacey Sprowl, Veterans Special Services Secretary
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