Volunteer Services Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Important questions and answers related to becoming a volunteer with St. Joseph's Health Care London.

1. What is the minimum commitment I have to make to the program?

All adult volunteers are required to make a minimum six-month commitment. All student volunteers are required to make a minimum commitment of 60-75 hours (based on the respective program)

2. I need to complete 40 hours of volunteer work in order to graduate. Can I do this?

Yes, depending on the availability of positions, Specific requirements vary by site.

3. Is there an age requirement to volunteer at St. Joseph’s?

Yes, volunteers must be 14+ years.

4. Are there health requirements?

All St. Joseph’s volunteers are required to complete a health review as required by our Occupational Health & Safety team. If a successful applicant is unable to find support for TB-testing or immunity testing in the community, both may be available through our nursing team in our Occupational Health & Safety Services Department and can be discussed when you are contacted. 

5. Can I volunteer wherever I wish?

Volunteers are placed based on vacancies that are available in their choice of sites, their suitability and interest. Volunteer Services does not offer clinical practice, internships or observership placements. View our current volunteer opportunities.

6. Are criminal record checks required?

Criminal checks are required for specific sites and/or positions.

7. Do I get free parking?

Registered volunteers are granted parking privileges at their respective site while on duty.

8. Can I volunteer in different areas?

You can volunteer in as many placement areas as you wish. The opportunities are endless! If you wish you may also volunteer across our sites. View our current volunteer opportunities.

9. I am medically trained and I wish to use my skills in order to gain further experience. Can I do this as a volunteer?

We do not offer placements that enable you to practice your acquired skills. What this means is, although you have been medically trained as a nurse, doctor, physiotherapist, pharmacist, lab technician etc. you may not practice those skills as a volunteer.

10. I am a "snowbird", or I go away for school, etc. Does this mean I will not be permitted to volunteer?

We are an equal opportunity organization; therefore, if you need to take an extended period of leave due to travel, educational commitments, etc., we simply ask that you notify us of your intention to do so we can ensure appropriate coverage in your area.

11. I live closer to Parkwood Institute; does it mean I have to come to another site for my interview?

We try to make the interview process as easy as possible for applicants. Interviews can be done at any site with virtual interviews available, as needed.

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