Off to the races

The team behind the Forest City Cycling Challenge are giving back to local mental health care in a big way
group of cyclists riding through the rain
A group of cyclists riding through the rain at the 2024 Forest City Cycling Challenge.

For Joe DiBrita, Tim Mason and Alfonso Campos Reales, there’s always been something special about being on a bike. The three friends all loved the freedom and excitement of riding their bikes when they were kids, and found the sport again as adults.

“Whether commuting, riding road bikes, mountain biking, or traveling with bikes on our car racks to ride on vacation, cycling has been a significant part of all of our lives,” shares Joe, a wealth advisor in London. “It’s just really joyful to explore the community on two wheels.”

Four years ago, the trio’s shared passion for cycling inspired them to create a new fundraising event in London: the Forest City Cycling Challenge. Joe and Tim had been involved in a different cycling event that was put on hold during the pandemic. Together with Alfonso, a partner at Lerners LLP, they dreamed up a charitable ride to give back to the community they love.

The inaugural event, held in 2021, was a virtual ride taking participants along a short route through the city with stops at different restaurants and shops. It was a huge win-win, providing a much-needed economic boost to local businesses that struggled during the height of the pandemic, and raising more than $30,000 for mental health care and research at St. Joseph’s.

“The need for this event exceeded our expectations. 162 participants signed up. We were overwhelmed by the community's support and realized we needed to continue this initiative,” Tim says.

When deciding on a cause their event should give back to, the choice was easy. They knew they wanted to support mental health care and make a difference in the lives of people right here in London. St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s mental health care program, along with the research project - Mental Health INcubator for Disruptive Solutions (MINDS), was a perfect fit.

Small group of people standing in front of the Finch Family Mental Health Care Building
Joe DiBrita, Alfonso Campos Reales, Dr. Arlene MacDougall and Tim Mason.

Led by principal researcher Dr. Arlene MacDougall, MINDS is a social innovation lab that’s designing, piloting and testing innovations to improve the lives of young people in London-Middlesex with severe and complex mental health and addiction issues. The trio was familiar with the work of MINDS through Joe’s involvement with the London Community Foundation and Alfonso’s role on St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation’s Board of Directors.

“It became clear that this was an area where we could make a meaningful impact,” says Alfonso.

Event volunteer wearing poncho standing in the rain
Event volunteer standing in the rain at the 2024 Forest Cycling Challenge.

For the second year, they held an in-person race with a variety of distances. Now in its fourth year, it’s become one of the premiere cycling experiences in the region and brings out hundreds of dedicated cyclists, brand new riders and everyone in between. The 2024 event took place during an intense spring rainstorm, but participants bundled up in jackets and slickers and rode with a smile.

The sold-out events have raised an incredible $215,000 so far to help sustain MINDS. The proceeds have also been used to purchase new equipment that directly benefits people receiving inpatient care in St. Joseph’s mental health care program, like exercise bikes that patients use daily for fitness, fun and stress relief.

“We’re still in disbelief,” says Joe. “When launching a new event, you can never be certain if the community will embrace it. But now it’s clear that this event is here to stay.”

For next year’s ride – their fifth anniversary – the team looks forward to hosting more participants and raising even more money for a cause close to their hearts. “We want our riders to feel like they’re participating in a world-class event right here in their hometown,” Joe shares. By sharing how much cycling has enriched their own lives, they’re privileged to give back to their community and make a difference in the lives of others.

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