Strengthening the community

Keith Samitt left a gift in his will to St. Joseph’s to help ensure a healthy future for people in London and beyond.
Keith Samitt

The son of immigrants, Keith Samitt was born in London, and grew up at the end of the depression. After attending Wortley Public School and South Collegiate, he tried his hand at different jobs including selling cars. It didn’t take long before he discovered an interest in real estate, and he hasn’t looked back since.

Today, at 90 years of age, he continues to operate his mortgage business – something that he says keeps him young. He also continues doing good for the community through his generous support of multiple organizations. Whether it’s the city’s hospitals, the university or the children’s museum, Keith has had a hand in advancing many important initiatives and programs that touch the lives of countless people.

“I think it’s what I’m supposed to do,” says Keith, about choosing to give back. “London’s been good to me, and even though I’ve had some tough times it’s been a great place to be.”

Keith’s support of St. Joseph’s Health Care London dates back to the 1990s. And he’s embraced many transformative projects over the years, from the first da Vinci Robotic Surgical System to research fellowships.

While he generously gives annually to meet the pressing needs of St. Joseph’s, he wants to be sure that people in the community will have a healthy future, too. It’s why he’s left a gift in his will to St. Joseph’s.

“I started making donations to St. Joseph’s and then just decided that I would put a clause in my will that I would leave a donation, which I hope can advance diabetes research,” says Keith. “Maybe it can even help to find a cure.”

As a former patient at St. Joseph’s Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism and a longtime advocate for people living with diabetes, Keith values the incredible difference research has already made to improve care – and hopes he can help to advance it even more.

“It’s hard to really put into words as to why I give,” says Keith, “but deep down it makes me feel good that I can do it.”

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