Shining brightly among us

There were 17 nominations and six recipients for the 2025 Sisters of St. Joseph Awards for Excellence.

Each recipient of the 2025 Sisters of St. Joseph Awards for Excellence is the kind of colleague anyone would be fortunate to have on their team. In various roles, they make a profound difference in the lives of patients, residents and peers by showing up fully in the work that they do. With a remarkable blend of empathy, creativity, dependability and compassion, they inspire and motivate those around them.  

Meet the 2025 recipients of the Sisters of St. Joseph Awards:

  • Dr. Ali Bateman, physiatrist, Acquired Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Programs  
  • Nancy Fitch, project consultant, Facilities Management
  • Linda Leitch, registered practical nurse, Palliative Care Unit, Parkwood Institute Main Building  
  • Kristy Mason, occupational therapist, Forensic Outreach Program, Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care
  • Danielle Neirinckx, pharmacy technician, Prescription Shop, St. Joseph’s Hospital
  • Jason Warner, supervisor, Pharmacy Operations, Parkwood Institute's Finch Family Mental Health Care Building

Established in 1990, the Sisters Awards honour staff, physicians and volunteers who share the remarkable attributes of the founding Sisters of St. Joseph - excellence, positive attitude, reliability, honesty, efficiency, creativity, respect, caring, compassion, empathy and appreciation for the work of others.

To date, there have been a total of 200 individual and team recipients – and hundreds of nominations. Individuals and teams are nominated by their colleagues, who have described each nominee’s acts of support, collaboration, caring and innovation. Without knowing anyone’s identity, an awards selection committee comprised of past recipients and representatives from across the organization selects the recipients. To be nominated and to be a recipient is a distinguished honour.

Dr. Ali Bateman – respect and recognition

Dr. Ali Bateman

“There are many skills required of a physician which are gained and honed over time. Then there are the inherent qualities of the truly great physicians that are simply a reflection of that individual’s character. Dr. Bateman daily demonstrates all of these.”

These are the words of colleagues who work alongside physiatrist Dr. Ali Bateman, Medical Director of the Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program at Parkwood Institute.

Dr. Bateman doesn’t simply provide care, she takes time to know people on a deeper level and makes everyone feel seen, say team members, who admire how effortlessly she connects with patients and ensures they remain at the centre of care. When a patient wanted to leave rehab against medical advice, Dr. Bateman understood what mattered most to this individual: music. A simple change – giving him access to a guitar – transformed his rehabilitation experience.

Dr. Bateman’s care extends beyond her patients to embrace and uplift her team members as well. Her colleagues describe her as “an awards committee of one.” Over the last three years, program members have received 12 awards thanks to applications spearheaded by Dr. Bateman. She never misses an opportunity to let her colleagues know that their work is seen and valued, and her team is delighted to direct a spotlight of appreciation back on her.

Nancy Fitch – building supportive spaces

Nancy Fitch

In her role as a Facilities Management project consultant, Nancy Fitch doesn't just transform physical spaces across St. Joseph’s, she also creates spaces for people to learn and grow. No matter how full her plate, Nancy always makes time to thoughtfully explain her work to others.  

Approaching every project with conscious care, Nancy engages staff, patients, residents and colleagues to make sure they understand the work and why it matters. Whether the project is designing a new physiotherapy space at St. Joseph’s Hospital or installing cabinetry in veterans’ rooms at Parkwood Institute, Nancy’s colleagues are inspired by the “pure joy” she finds in every project and her diligence in ensuring it fulfills every person’s needs.

“It’s evident that providing safe and welcoming spaces for residents is important to Nancy, not simply because it’s her job, but because she genuinely wants them to have a place that feels like home,” say colleagues.

Nancy’s impact expands exponentially through her mentorship of colleagues. She fosters excellence and inspires and empowers them to do better. One project at a time, Nancy enhances St. Joseph’s, not only for current staff and patients but for those in the years to come.  


Linda Leitch – making the memorable happen

Linda Leitch

On the Palliative Care Unit at Parkwood Institute, nurse Linda Leitch makes the memorable happen. Her unique combination of care and creativity leaves a lasting mark, giving patients and their families the opportunity to make treasured memories. Her colleagues share story after story of these special moments, from Linda’s annual holiday decorations on the unit to the time she brought a bouquet for a patient to give as an anniversary gift to his wife.

"We never know when it will be the last opportunity, so we need to find a way to make these things happen,” Linda’s colleagues remember her saying when a patient wanted to venture outside with his daughters. Although he didn’t yet have a wheelchair, Linda made it happen, finding a Broda chair and cozying him up with blankets so dad and daughters could enjoy a beverage outside on a beautiful fall day.

It’s not uncommon for grateful families to reach out and share the lasting impression left by Linda’s care. Letters and words of deep appreciation – even shared years after a family member has died – remark on Linda’s presence, touching gestures and comfort provided during the most vulnerable time as families prepare for the loss of a loved one and in the days following. Her reassuring presence and kindness transcend time and leave an impact long after.


Kristy Mason – intention and integrity

Kristy Mason

Occupational therapist Kristy Mason has a remarkable gift for connecting with patients at Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care. In a system that can sometimes feel overwhelming, Kristy infuses every interaction with genuine compassion and humanity. By being present for patients, she ensures no one feels alone.

When a patient was unconscious in critical condition, Kristy visited frequently and phoned the patient’s long-distance brother so she could hear his voice. When the patient recovered, she shared with Kristy how much her presence meant.

Kristy approaches every aspect of her job with purpose. While writing hospital draft reports may seem like a mundane task for most, Kristy sees it as an opportunity to advocate on behalf of patients, telling their stories from a fair and compassionate lens. She also strikes a balance between her work and mentoring students, taking on this additional responsibility when she can commit to giving her best to students, patients and her team.

“It feels hard to describe in it words, but her presence is a gift to the team,” team members say, highlighting Kristy’s intentional efforts to connect with co-workers and offer support when it’s needed most. She has a unique ability to make everyone feel valued, inspiring patients and peers alike to work towards their best selves.


Danielle Neirinckx – an anchor with all the answers

Danielle Neirinckx

Pharmacy technician Danielle Neirinckx is the kind of colleague who always has your back, say colleagues in the Prescription Shop at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Her award nomination was a team effort, filled with quotes and stories from many pharmacists, registered nurses and registered practical nurses who work closely with her and are always grateful for her guidance.

A team member for more than 17 years, Danielle has a wealth of knowledge and never hesitates to share with those around her. She is everyone’s go-to person for questions, always answering in detail and never making anyone feel they are an inconvenience, regardless of how busy she is.

"She is always kind and patient with any – and I mean any – questions we have about our residents’ medications at Mount Hope,” says one registered nurse. “Her calm way of tackling problems always leaves me with a smile on my face.”

Driven by genuine care and concern, Danielle constantly has an eye out for gaps in care and doesn’t hesitate to fill them. She often completes last-minute orders for patients at Mount Hope and will walk them over herself to ensure there is no delay in treatment.

From streamlining scheduling at the Rheumatology Centre and working with the clinic to arrange financial assistance, Danielle's contributions help teams provide better, more efficient care for everyone.

Jason Warner – a steady presence in times of stress

Jason Warner

Colleagues of Jason Warner describe him as “the definition of dependable” – someone whose compassionate leadership shines brightest in challenging situations. His supportive presence as a supervisor is a rock in Pharmacy Operations at Parkwood Institute’s Finch Family Mental Health Care Building.

In times of trial, Jason doesn’t merely stand behind his team, he stands with them. Whether that means staying after hours when a computer issue renders a critical database inaccessible or manually filling medications when a packaging machine breaks down, Jason is there. When the team needed to stay late to get patients their medications, he helped coordinate coffee and pizza, ensuring the team cared for themselves as they completed this essential task. Working alongside them until the end, his unwavering support spoke volumes to his team.

“He showed us exactly what kind of leader he is – one who leads by example, stands with his team when challenges arise, and genuinely values the people he works with,” say team members.

This care and dedication extend to patients and is demonstrated through Jason’s pursuit of developing better systems, such a process for stocking a specific medication that takes extended time to ship from France. Thanks to Jason’s meticulous monitoring, patients have not missed a single dose of this critical medication in two years.

Jason’s leadership is defined by his steadfast commitment to care, both for his team and for those who rely on him.

To be nominated is an honour

Congratulations to this year’s award recipients, as well as all those who were nominated by their colleagues. In addition to the six recipients, this year’s nominees included:

  • Lindsey Balogh, supervisor, Medical Imaging/Breast Care Program
  • Deana D’Ambrosio, Manager, Food and Nutrition Services
  • Cindy Hoy, registered nurse, Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Tracey Jansen, executive assistant, Medical and Academic Affairs
  • Margaret Kahng, Integrated Director, Medical and Academic Affairs
  • Carmen Marsh-Lansard, Manager, Professional Practice
  • Kristina Nadolska, registered nurse, Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Paige Romaine, registered nurse, Treatment and Rehabilitation Program at Parkwood Institute’s Finch Family Mental Health Care Building
  • Regional Rehabilitation Team, Parkwood Institute Main Building
  • Salary Team, Human Resources
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