Do you have dementia?


Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you were there? Do you lose your keys or your cell phone or find yourself searching for a word in a conversation? Are you worried these are signs you may have memory problems and even dementia?

While 40 per cent of us will experience some type of memory loss as we age, the World Health Organization says 5 to 8 per cent of people will develop dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada 76,000 Canadians are diagnosed with dementia every year and 60 to 80 percent of them have Alzheimer's disease.

Dementia is an overall term for symptoms caused by disorders of the brain. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Dementia is a fatal, progressive, degenerative disease of the brain, where brain cells continue to die over time. There is currently no cure or treatment that can stop or reverse dementia. Age is the biggest risk factor for dementia however, individuals after age 40 and up can get early or young onset dementia. 

Learn more about dementia from expert physician Dr. Michael Borrie in the latest episode of the DocTalks Podcast.

St. Joseph’s provides diagnosis, assessment, treatment and support for patients suffering from dementia and their caregivers through our Specialized Geriatric Services, Aging Brain and Memory Clinic at Parkwood Institute. Services are provided by a comprehensive health care team on an outpatient basis with support from community agencies. If you or a loved one are showing signs of dementia, speak with your family doctor about a referral to our program.

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