My St. Joseph's Magazine - Spring 2024

My St. Joseph's features compelling stories of care, compassion, innovation, discovery, dignity, community giving and spirit.

These are stories of impact, excellence and inspiration that shed light on who we are, what we do, and our enduring legacy of care – body, mind and spirit.

My St. Joseph’s is distributed across St. Joseph’s and in our community.

My St. Joseph's Spring 2024 | Issue 9 

Download the Spring 2024 Issue (PDF), select the online flip book magazine or browse the stories below.

Spring 2024 | Issue 9
My St. Joseph's magazine
Roy Butler, CEO

Our people - a powerhouse for change

Innovation in health care happens when we ask tough questions, dare to explore beyond conventional boundaries, take bold risks and breakdown barriers to better serve those who rely on us for care. At St. Joseph’s Health Care London (St. Joseph’s), I am grateful for the staff, physicians, volunteers...
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In the right hands at the right time

For anyone with a cervix age 25 and older, St. Joseph’s Health Care London, in collaboration with the South West Regional Cancer Program, hosted a unique, one-day only Pop-Up Pap Test Clinic – no appointment necessary. It was so 'pap-ular', a second clinic will be held May 10. Twenty years ago...
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group with PET/CT

Unlocking boundless potential

Ashmeet Gill had her first PET/CT scan shortly after being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer of the body’s germ-fighting immune system. She was nervous. Claustrophobia is an issue for the young Stratford resident and the scan, necessary to determine if the cancer had spread beyond the...
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Heeman family

Nurturing our community

Ask the farming Heeman family about their giving philosophy and the response is fittingly down to earth – both literally and figuratively. “The community is a lot like a plant – if you nurture it, invest in it and care for it, it will thrive and prosper,” says Will Heeman. Sitting around the table...
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A microbiology marvel

London’s hospitals have become an international flagship for innovation in clinical microbiology. More accurate test results, faster diagnoses and greater patient safety – patients across Southwestern Ontario will benefit from all three with a world first in London. St. Joseph’s Heath Care London...
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Surgical team

Paving the way for change

At the tender age of five, Dr. Sukhmeet Singh Sachal felt his calling when his father took him to Pingalwara, a foundation in India for children who are orphaned or have disabilities. Witnessing a physician help a boy his age with a broken arm, he instantly knew he wanted to become a doctor. Over...
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patient and physician

No limit on hope

Lujane Al-Azem has always believed in the power of human connection. It’s why the compassionate, young Londoner chose to major in psychology. What she didn’t know was that her greatest lesson wouldn’t come from a textbook or lecture. It would come in the unexpected form of a health crisis. Only...
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staff group photo

A win-win approach to care

Nursing student Isha Rai always knew she wanted to be a nurse. "When I was a little girl, my brother became seriously ill. There were many hospital visits,” recalls Isha. “As I grew older, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in health care and help others.” Isha is making strides toward her goals...
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verge checkmark

Aligning values with investments

Building upon a long history of supporting and fostering healthy communities, St. Joseph’s Health Care London (St. Joseph’s) has become the first hospital in Southwestern Ontario to align its investments with its values to make an impact across the region. St. Joseph’s is collaborating with VERGE...
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