Geriatric Medicine Refresher Day 2025 Registration

Date: Monday April 28, 2025
Time: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Location: RBC Place, London, Ontario

Geriatric Medicine Refresher Day is the largest multidisciplinary gathering in Southwestern Ontario of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, therapists, social workers, personal care workers, educators, managers and researchers working in geriatric care. It regularly sells out, drawing 600 participants each year from hospitals, long-term care homes, home and community care programs, and family health teams.

Register below

First name:
I am involved with:
My profession is:
LEGEND - WORKSHOP SUITED FOR: (A) - Allied Health, (N) - Nurses, PSWs, (P) - Physicians, Pharmacists
LEGEND - WORKSHOP SUITED FOR: (A) - Allied Health, (N) - Nurses, PSWs, (P) - Physicians, Pharmacists
Type of registration:
Method of payment:
You will be directed to the PayPal page to complete payment after you enter submit. A paypal account is not required, you will be given an option to pay with credit card without signing up for Paypal.

Cheques should be made out to St. Joseph’s Health Care London – GRD

Send to:

Parkwood Institute, Main Building
PO Box 5777, STN B
London, ON  N6A 4V2
ATTN: Amy Lane, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Room A2-129

This personal information is being collected under the authority of the Public Hospitals Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.40 for the purpose of contacting the sender in response to an inquiry. If you have questions about the collection of this information, please contact Privacy and Freedom of Information, St. Joseph's Health Care London, 268 Grosvenor Street, London, ON,519-646-6100 ext. 65591.