Parkwood Institute

Remember to ask for the doctor's name, department name and room number when you are coming to an appointment. If you are visiting a patient, ask for their nursing unit. 

Address and contact details

Parkwood Institute
Main Building and Finch Family Mental Health Care Building
550 Wellington Road South
London, Ontario, N6C 0A7

Phone: 519 646-6100

Mailing Address:

Parkwood Institute 
St. Joseph's Health Care London
PO BOX 5777, STN B
London, ON  N6A 4V2

Building site maps

Download the site map for Parkwood Institute (both campuses)

Download the site map for Parkwood Institute Finch Family Mental Health Care building

Download the site map for Parkwood Institute Main Building

Directions to programs and services

Find turn-by-turn directions for Parkwood Institute Main Building

Find turn-by-turn directions for Parkwood Institute Finch Family Mental Health Care Building


Download a map of parking spaces (including accessible spaces) at Parkwood Institute (PDF). There are 1377 parking spaces at Parkwood Institute.

Parking office

The parking office is located in on level 1 of the Parkwood Institute parking garage, near the main entrance, and can be reached at 519 646-6100 ext. 42320.

Hours: Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. Outside those hours, calls are directed to Precise ParkLink Inc. at 1-888-783 PARK (7275). The call centre can also be reached by intercom available on the parking pay machine in front of the office.

Parking rates

Daily rate: $6.75

Monthly rate: $60.75

Monthly passes can be purchased from the parking office, located on the main floor of the parking garage. Parking office hours are Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

Parking Lot 1
  • Located directly in front of the main entrance of Main Building
  • $6.75 flat rate when you enter the parking lot
  • $1 and $2 coins and credit card accepted (press the start button then insert payment)
Parking Lot 3
  • Located near Western Counties Wing (south/west side)
  • $6.75 flat rate when you enter the parking lot
  • $1 and $2 coins and credit card  accepted (press the start button then insert payment)
  • Open 7:15 am to 10 pm, 7 days a week
Parking Lot 4
  • Located beside the Mental Health Care Building (west side)
  • $6.75 flat rate when you enter the parking lot
  • $1 and $2 coins and credit card accepted (press the start button then insert payment)
Roadside meter parking

Located along the roadways, purchase ticket from Pay and Display machines, and display ticket on dashboard. $6.75 flat rate per day. (Please note that these tickets do not allow you to park in a parking lot.)


Motorcyles must park on the motorcycle pad located east of Lot 5. They must purchase a ticket from the Pay and Display machines and display on the vehicle.

Drop-offs (10 minutes)

Temporary 10 minute parking drop off/pick up areas are located at the entrances to Main Building, Arthur J. Hobbins Building and Western Counties Wing. For the Mental Health Care Building patients can be picked up and dropped off in the pullover area in the traffic circle at the front of the building.

Courteous parking

Please be aware that the City of London enforces parking regulations across all of St. Joseph’s sites to ensure patients, visitors, staff and physicians have adequate parking. All users of our parking facilities are asked to pay attention to parking regulations and how you park your vehicle. 

As well, those who park for more than 10 minutes in patient drop-off designated areas, in handicapped parking without a permit, at loading docks, and other restricted areas will also find their vehicles being ticketed.

Thank you for respecting our parking regulations. If you have any parking questions please contact Precise ParkLink Inc.
Email: @email
Phone: 1-888-783 PARK (7275)

Public transit to Parkwood Institute

Contact the London Transit Commission at 519 451-1347 for rates, times and route information. The Richmond 6 London Transit bus route serves Parkwood Institute, and drops riders off at the entrance for the Main Building and the Mental Health Care Building.

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