Areas of Care

Showing 31 - 36 of 36 results

Transitional and Lifelong Care

The TLC program at St. Joseph's Health Care London The TLC program provides care to adolescents and adults (15 years of age or older) from Southwestern Ontario who have special health and rehabilitative needs related to a condition of childhood onset. This includes people with: Cerebral palsy Spina...

Veterans Care

St. Joseph’s Veterans Care Program (VCP) provides long-term care (LTC) and outpatient services to eligible individuals. Veterans Affairs Canada decides who is eligible for our programs and services Long Term Care at Parkwood Institute: The VCP provides LTC for Canadian War veterans and members of...

Veterans Care: Operational Stress Injury Clinic

Area of Care
Established in 2003, St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinic is one of 10 outpatient clinics within the Canadian Operational Stress Injury National Network Within the St. Joseph's Health Care community, OSI is a part of the Veterans Care program. Who we serve St...

Wheelchair and Seating Program

At Parkwood lnstitute's Wheelchair and Seating Program we assess and prescribe wheelchair and related seating equipment for people in Southwestern Ontario with complex seating needs. We emphasize a team approach to address your wheelchair and seating issues. Your team may be made up of occupational...

Wound Care

Chronic wound and skin health team The Chronic Wound and Skin Health Team at Parkwood lnstitute takes a holistic approach to the prevention and management of wounds. Find contact information or the referral form.