Areas of Care

Showing 31 - 35 of 35 results

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program

At the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre, our team of specialized nurses, doctors and social workers provide care to people of any age, gender or sexual identity experiencing sexual assault and/or domestic violence living in Oxford, Elgin, Huron-Perth and Middlesex...


St. Joseph’s Hospital is a unique ambulatory hospital that specializes in minimally invasive, same day and short stay surgery. We also provide our patients with comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and follow- up care. Our state-of-the art operating rooms are supported by expert teams ensuring...

Urgent Care Centre

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am - 6pm. Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 8 am - 4 pm. Please be aware that our hours are subject to change. In the event that we are experiencing extremely high volumes, this may require us to stop accepting patients prior to scheduled closing time. In that circumstance, a...


contact us Urology is a surgical specialty which deals with diseases of the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. When a potential abnormality is found, patients can be referred to a Urologist at the Urology Clinic at St. Joseph’s Hospital by their primary care provider...

Urology: Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program (PDAP)

Area of Care
The Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program (PDAP) at St. Joseph's Hospital streamlines testing for patients suspected of having prostate cancer. A nurse navigator and urologist work together with each patient to ensure the patient is involved with, and understands, their care plan. Diagnostic...