Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Our Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation program at Parkwood Institute has a 15-bed inpatient rehabilitation unit specifically designed for individuals who have had a spinal cord injury.

Such injuries may be either traumatic, such as from a motor vehicle accident or fall, or non-traumatic, such as from spinal metastases or Guillain Barre Syndrome.

The goal of our program is to enable the patient to reach an optimal level of functioning and assist them in reintegrating into the community.

A rehabilitation caregiver helps a patient with his wheelchair.

Program information

This program includes:

  • Intensive inpatient rehabilitation
  • Post-discharge follow-up
  • Outpatient Services after discharge as required
  • Educational/support groups
  • Research Program
  • Parkwood Fitness Centre
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  • Care Matters Here.

    We focus on the best care possible so people can live life to the fullest.

    Dr. Sosoo