Guide for Referring Physicians

The Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Program (CRSP) is an out-patient, multidisciplinary program for cardiac surgical and medical patients. Physician referral is required with no fee for service.

During the six-month program, patients receive medical management, an exercise program and cardiac risk factor counselling services and education sessions. All therapeutic regimens embrace a gender-specific approach. With an emphasis on comprehensive behavioural modification therapy, CRSP is dedicated to helping patients manage their cardiovascular risk factors in order to resume a productive, active and satisfying lifestyle. The program is a coordinating site (designated by the MoHLTC) for cardiac rehabiltation programs in Ingersoll, Owen Sound, Sarnia and Chatham. To refer a patient, print a referral form and fax to 519-667-6532.


In-hospital stress lab, clinic,  education space, and exercise equipment for assessment and teaching purposes. Treadmills, bicycles, arm ergometer, walking track and complete weight training area is provided through a community partnership with the London YMCA.

Program Highlights

  • Medical assessment (including exercise stress testing)
  • Exercise program
  • Nutrition counselling
  • Weight intervention program
  • Psychological services:
    •    Smoking cessation therapy
    •    Women’s support group
    •    Individual counselling
    •    Group stress management program

Admission Criteria

Diagnosis of:

  • Myocardial infarction
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Angioplasty
  • Stable angina pectoris
  • Heart transplantation
  • Valvular heart disease
  • Cardiomyopathy
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