Meeting Agenda: St. Joseph's Board of Directors

Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: St. Joseph's Hospital - Adams Boardroom A2-041 and via MS Teams video-conference


Call to Order – Nawaz Tahir
Reflection - Joan Hubert
Education Session (30 mins)

1. Full Agenda / Consent Agenda (5 mins)

1.1 Adoption of Full Agenda (2 mins)

  • Consideration is given to the agenda items listed. Members may request items be added, deleted or moved to in-camera.

1.2 Approval of Consent Agenda (Appendix 1) (3 mins)

  • Clarifying questions will be entertained
  • Any Member has a right to remove any item from the consent agenda, in which case it is transferred to the regular agenda so that it may be considered and voted on separately

It is recommended that the Consent Agenda for the November 25, 2024 Board meeting, consisting of the recommendations and reports found in Appendix 1, be approved and/or received for information by St. Joseph’s Board of Directors.

2. Reports (45 mins)

2.1 Board Chair Remarks [N. Tahir] (5 mins)

2.2 President and Chief Executive Officer [R. Butler] (15 mins)
(a) Monthly report to Board
(b) 2023/24 Q2 Corporate Scorecard and Strategic Plan Update

2.3 Medical Advisory Committee Chair [L. Lyons] (5 mins)

2.4 Quality Report
(a) Patient, Resident, Caregiver Story [P. Hoffer] (5 mins)
(b) 2023/24 Q2 Quality Results [P. Cassidy] (5 mins)

2.5 St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation [A. Campos Reales] (5 mins)
2.6 St. Joseph's Professional Staff Organization [A. Biswas/S. Jeimy] (5 mins)

3. Business Arising
(Standing agenda heading for business being carried forward from past meetings)

4. New Business (5 mins)
4.1 Resource Planning & Audit Committee Recommendations
(a) 2024/25 Q2 Financial Results [M. Gillett] (10 mins)

4.2 Chair Updates from Standing Committees of the Board
(a) Stoplight Report from Quality Committee of the Board (5 mins)

5. In-Camera Meeting

6. Termination of Meeting

Appendix 1 – Consent Agenda Items

Members are invited to ask clarifying questions, in relation to the items appearing on the consent agenda, in advance of the meeting, through the Governance office (@email). Clarifying questions will also be entertained at the Board meeting when the consent agenda is introduced. Before the meeting or at any point up to the approval of the consent agenda, any Member has a right to remove any item from the consent agenda, in which case it is transferred to the regular agenda so that it may be considered and voted on separately. The remaining items are then approved en bloc without discussion.

RECOMMENDATION: The following items on the consent agenda be unanimously approved and/or received for information by St. Joseph’s Board of Directors.


A. Minutes of St. Joseph’s Board of Directors Meeting of October 28, 2024.

B. Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) of the Board
1) REFERENCE for the MAC recommendations below:  The credentialing process / Board's role
2) New Credentialed Professional Staff Appointments
3) Changes to Credentialed Professional Staff Appointments
4) Interim Chief of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine
5) Interim Chief of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
6) Revised Form: Consent for Release of Credentialing File
7) Revised Form: Credentialed Professional Staff Reappointment Application

C. Resource Planning & Audit Committee of the Board
1) Revised Policy: Authorizations and Approvals


D. For Information:
1) Medical Advisory Committee Minutes of November 13, 2024
2) Quality Committee Minutes of November 7, 2024
3) Resource Planning & Audit Committee Minutes of November 18, 2024

2024/25 Membership


Nawaz Tahir (Chair)
Donna Ladouceur (Vice-Chair)
Jonathan Batch
Peter Cassidy
Lesley Cornelius, ICD.D
Paul Dugsin, MBA
Joan Hubert
Mary Gillett, FCPA, FCA
Stephanie Marentette
Joshua Melchers, CPA, CA, CFP
Fr. Frank O’Connor
Robert Raymond
Howard Rundle, PhD
Victoria Smye, PhD
Janet Tufts, MBA


Abhijit Biswas, MD
Roy Butler, PhD
Jayne Garland, PhD
Samira Jeimy, MD
Laura Lyons, MD
Karen Perkin, RN, MScN
John Yoo, MD