Specialized Geriatric Services: Outreach - Services

Southwestern Ontario Regional Geriatric Program (RGP)

This interdisciplinary team provides comprehensive geriatric assessments in homes, hospitals and long-term care facilities and provides recommendations to care providers, families and patients. This outreach team functions to enhance the care of frail elderly individuals throughout Southwestern Ontario through clinical consultation, education, research, evaluation and community development. The team also plays a large role in the education of students and health professionals across the region.

This regional outreach team is part of the Southwestern Ontario Geriatric Assessment Network (SWOGAN). This network links geriatric and geriatric mental health assessment teams in the ten counties of southwestern Ontario. The multidisciplinary teams link with local resources to provide assessment and treatment options in or near the client's home The county teams work in collaboration with community partners and the Regional Geriatric and the Regional Psychogeriatric Programs of Ontario.

Find more information about the Regional Geriatric Programs of Ontario.

Southwestern Ontario Regional Psychogeriatric Program (RPP)

This outreach team functions to enhance the care of frail elderly individuals in southwestern Ontario who are challenged with mental health problems such as depression, psychotic disorders and dementia. The RPP consists of a Geriatric Psychiatrist and a Clinical Nurse Specialist with expertise in mental health issues. They work closely with members of the RGP, local SWOGAN teams, and local health care providers so that individuals are able to receive evidence based care in their home community. Services provided by the team include clinical consultation, education, and community development. The advanced practice nurse liaises with local teams within the region regarding education and programs/system development.

Geriatric Mental Health Program

This team provides geriatric psychiatry consultation, assessment and treatment services for elderly persons in the London area.  All patients see a psychiatrist as part of the initial evaluation. Some inpatient consultation and education to physicians, health care professionals and long term care facility staff is also provided.

Discharge Liaison Team

This service provides support for inpatients with complex, yet stable mental health needs who no longer require specialized hospitalization as they transition from hospital to a long term care home. The team will assist staff in managing the resident’s psychiatric symptoms, achieve an appropriate balance of service to create good community alternatives to hospitalization and provide quality of life for the resident in their chosen environment.

Third Age Outreach

This program promotes the health and well-being of elderly individuals living independently through education programs and liaison with community resources. This program offers short term counseling around issues related to aging as well as support groups and courses to promote personal growth and well being. Third Age Outreach operates out of the Kiwanis Centre in London.


Geriatric Resource Nurse Outreach Team

This team includes seven registered nurses who specialize in care of frail elderly individuals across the South West LHIN. They provide comprehensive geriatric assessments for patients in Huron, Perth, Grey, Bruce, Elgin and Oxford counties. They also provide recommendations to health care providers, families and patients to improve the health and well-being of frail elderly and work in collaboration with community partners and the Regional Geriatric and the Regional Psychogeriatric Programs of Ontario.

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